New to exercise and VERY unfit - ideas please!



  • jmf2370
    jmf2370 Posts: 1
    Incorporate walking into your routine and you will be amazed at how quickly you will start to enjoy it. I was exactly like you (DVDs and all) I also have back and knee problems. I started walking to work and just in the park when I could and I just completed a 9 mile walk for the marathon a few weeks ago. Its been the easiest way to start and keep motivated!
  • ferrariolives
    ferrariolives Posts: 1 Member
    The first step is getting off of the couch. Walking is good, but keep up a good pace or include hills to challenge yourself. If you're not a gym-goer, get out and get some fresh air on your walks (I like making this "me" time). If you are a gym-goer, and your gym has TVs, time the gym for one of your favorite programs. By the time the show is over, you'll have been working out for 30-60 minutes! If you're a music lover, download some new tunes to keep your mind off of the fact that you're actually exercising.

    Once you get your body moving again, start listening to it. Personally, I HATE high impact aerobics and step classes, but other people love them. For me, yoga, pilates, and swimming are more enjoyable. If you don't choose an activity that you like, it will seem like a chore and you'll hate it.

    More than anything else, try not to look at exercise as an obligation or a hassle. Sometimes changing your mindset is the biggest challenge. This is something you're doing for yourself, and over time it will keep you healthy, strong, and looking good. Exercise releases endorphins and balances moods (I think), and sweating and rehydrating with water flushes out toxins (pretty sure I've read that somewhere too). So embrace it!!!
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I have to agree with everyone about walking. I started by just committing to walking 10 minutes a day in February. It quickly grew and now I'm biking 25 miles at a time or walking 4-5 miles. If you have a smart phone there are great apps you can download to track your progress. I've used runkeeper and jogtracker. When I started I was doing less than 2 miles per hour. Now I'm close to 4 mph walking. It keeps me motivated.
  • mcb1967
    mcb1967 Posts: 2
    Start small and set aside a specific time each day. Walking is the perfect way to start. The thing is to get moving, even if its a little bit, and to stick with it. Once you develop the habit, then you can add to it. If you are just starting out, the exercise DVDs can be intimidating and hard to go with. But like the other poster said, anyone can walk! Good Luck!
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    Hi there! Shred has an easier option, so you may want to pop it in and just see if you are up to it or if you like it. Walks are good, wii fit is an awesome way to start off as well. Any of the regular games, but I also have the personal trainer game which I like. You can do different types/intensities of workouts on there as well.
  • redwingluvr
    redwingluvr Posts: 75 Member
    If you want to have fun while exercising, find a Zumba class!!! It's exercise in disguise! The energy in the classes are amazing and it is so much fun!! You don't need to know how to dance. If you can't figure out a move, no problem, Just feel the music and groove. You can burn 500 - 1,000 calories doing 60 minutes of Zumba. I suggest buying a Heart Rate Monitor though to track the calories. Everybody burns differently. Good luck!
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Not that the shred is overly difficult but you want to put as much as you can into the 20 minutes. Maybe try start out walking a mile or two a day....any exercise is better than none! ellipticals are really easy on your joints and they worked for me when i first started out!

    Good luck!
  • chnkydnknmomma
    Walking is always for DVD's, I found the 30ds too challenging at first, have been meaning to try it again, but just can't get into it. I love the Richard Simmons workouts. Before I joined my gym (Spa Lady...women only) I was totally hooked on Disco can do it at your own pace and increase as you feel you can.

    When you start to see results and feel so much better about yourself, you'll just want to keep going!

    Good luck!
  • melissa0001
    melissa0001 Posts: 313 Member
    I started in late January... i just walked to begin with, after a couple weeks i started the shred, but i took my time and spent 15 days on level 1, 30 days level 2, and 15 days level 3, i wanted to feel comfortable with all levels before moving to the next. Then i started to walk outside and incorporate some jogging..... now i can jog more than walk. It is a process and just remember that. Take it slow but you might surprise yourself at your strength. I know i am!
  • knittam
    knittam Posts: 10
    Hi! Walking is good. Get a pedometer, mp3 player and you are off to a good start.
    For yoga, I would go a beginner class with a qualified instructor who can help teach you proper form. After two weeks, try incorporating a beginner yoga DVD to do at home also. Yoga with instructor 1x wk and DVD at home the rest of the time.

    Anytime I try something new, I take a class to help me learn how to do the moves properly and avoid injury. I also go to the public library and check out books and DVD's. Books really help clarify certain movements and are a great reference tool.
  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    I have no motivation at HOME. I am one of those people that needs to go somewhere. I joined a gym and I saw it as "wasting" money of I did not go 3 times a week.

    I started going and just walking the treadmill or the elliptical machine about 45 mins a peice. Get a iPod, or a MP3 player. Great music is very helpful.

    I then started peaking in at some of the classes the gym offered. I started to Zumba 2x a week and a body pump 2x.

    Start out slow, if you are not having a good time it will discourage you.

    And won't you know it, I started going to the gym 5x a week, and I am now a certified Zumba instructor.

    It takes time, you need to form a NEW habit. you will get it, join the Y, or find a buddy to work out with. the buddy system at the gym is a great tool
  • stephenjl
    stephenjl Posts: 2 Member
    Take a walk. With the dog, or to a park, in your neighborhood. I would opt these rather than the treadmill as the treadmill may seem a little like a hamster on a wheel if your just starting to introduce excercise into your life. Pick a time when things are quiet and not rushed. I like dusk/twilight when the world is settling down, the moon is rising and a few stars appear and the hassle of the day is behind me. Relax, breathe, enjoy the fresh air and the sights. Don't focus or worry about distance or pace, just enjoy the outing, the moment, the place. The key is to find the joy. With joy becomes pleasure and with pleasure you will repeat and look forward to your special time. Walking like all exercise is just as much a mental reward as a physical one and with time you will increase distance and your pace and it will become something "you gotta do" because it makes you feel good not because you have to.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    Hi all, I am VERY unfit but would like to try and get some exercise into my daily routine. Exercise is pretty new to me if i am 100% honest , and to be even more honest, I don't like it in the slightest! But, I want to overcome this if i can.

    I have numerous exercise DVD's at home, the majority still sealed. What I am wonderig is, if one of these would be a good way to start? What do you guys think?

    I even have the 30 day shred which in an earlier post I said I was going to try but I wonder, am i totally kidding myself??? Considering how unfit I am - i think you will all say yes lol!!

    So., what I really want to know is what exercise people would recommend to someone as undedicated (but who wants to get dedicated) and unfit as me??

    I would be grateful of any advice and support anyone is willing to give.

    Thank you x

    Walking, Zumba (I started with this).... then maybe Turbo Jam (do it low impact - I still do)
    But please don't start with the 30 day Shred, because if you don't do it correctly you may hurt yourself & the put yourself off from exercising again....
  • Minnie_Moo
    Minnie_Moo Posts: 239 Member
    I would advise starting with something like Leslie Sansone's walk at home program. I do her workouts every day. The workouts are low impact and very easy to follow. I started with her 1 mile walk, and have since progressed to her 5mi. Leslie is wonderful, she talks you through the workout and keeps you quite motivated. Good luck :happy:

    I agree ! I would get any of Leslie Sansone's dvd's and do them. You can find them at the library or Target, Walmart, etc. I like Leslie as she has a bubbly personality and she keeps you going, even when you feel like you want to quit :wink:

    I bought her dvd set "Walk Away The Pounds" which has 1, 2 and 3 mile walks on ebay.
  • cookiequeen2011
    5 weeks ago I could have said the same thing. I decided that once and for all I have to lose some weight and get fitter. I started off by eating better. I have been eating 3 meals a day of sensible amounts of food and having 1-2 snacks a day (usually fruit).

    After a week I had given it some thought and knowing that I want to get fitter rather than just lose weight. I had half heartedly started 30DS a while before and stopped after a few days. This time round I started and went 32 days. The first day was hell. I ached, I felt like I was going to fall over and the next morning I was sore. I pushed myself every day to do it and managed to progress to level 3 by the end of 30 days. I stuck with just doing 30DS for that time. Last week was the first week where I added in other things. I cycled and swam as well and can now do levels 1 and 2 of 30DS back to back. Yesterday I started a running programme which goes from walk 2 minutes, run 1 minute up to running for 20 minutes.

    To put it into context before starting this I am 33 and mum of 2. I was 12st 8.5lbs (176.5), hadn't done any exercise for a VERY long time would get out of breath walking up hills and couldn't really run around with my children. I am now down to 11st 11lbs (165lbs), my body fat has reduced by 2%, I have dropped 1-2 dress sizes and have a whole heap more energy.

    The other thing that really helped me was starting a blog. I have found it is a great place to let off steam, sort out my thoughts and get support for the highs and lows.

    30DS won't work for everyone. It won't appeal for everyone. I like it because you can make it as easy/tough on yourself as you like, you can really feel yourself progressing and for 20 minutes a day to make the difference I have suits me. The biggest things it did for me was give me the confidence to realise that with a little bit of work I can make a big difference.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    All are great ideas--- I get bored easily and hate to exercise (ok I hated it -now I feel weird if I dont) I love love love to dance---so I got the old "sweatin to the oldies" sometimes I just put on my ipod of exercise tunes and shut the drapes and dance- I have leslie sansones walk--only takes 10 or 12 or 15 mins depending on how fast a mile you want. just do SOMETHING everyday--it gets easier-- 2 months later I get up and exercise at least 30 mins every moring and even at night. I am also rehabbing a torn achilles and broken heel- so I had to go easy at first-

    you can do this

    Good luck
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Can you walk?

    Life begins with baby steps... why not you? (And I mean this in the kindest possible way)

    I used to be 320+ pounds... The easiest exercise that God equipped people to do, was to walk. He gave us appealing visual feedback and scenery, and fresh air to enjoy. It is inexpensive, easy to do and if done properly can burn an amazing amount of calories. Walking can be as healthy for you as running (some might argue that it is healthier)

    Walking outside in January wasn't an option (as I live in the heart of the Canadian Praires...). So three years ago, I started out with a treadmill... and by walking 15 minutes a day, I lost close to 40 pounds in 3 months. Then I started running... and that is a different story.

    Good luck!
  • stelladoiron
    stelladoiron Posts: 1 Member
    We have a workout program called HOT HULA fitness and it makes working out fun even for the unfit. We are unique because you do not need any equipment not even shoes. We offer free workouts online on our You Tube Channel - HOT HULA fitness TV. They are short 15 minute segments. Give it a go.