New to this....need help!!!

Hello!!! My name is Becky and I have struggled with weight all my life!!! Done every "fad" diet out there with some success only to gain back the lbs lost and then biggest struggle....breakfast, not a fan. Clearly I need to be. I am looking for suggestions of what to eat??? Any help I can get would be most appreciated


  • amandaprice644
    amandaprice644 Posts: 2 Member
    I like to have almonds and a banana. You really don't have to eat breakfast. Eat when you feel hungry. Just stay under your calorie goal for the day that's what really matters :)
  • kweede14
    kweede14 Posts: 29 Member
    I love breakfast but I usually want more than I should have so I try to avoid it. Try just having a little bit of fruit, toast or juice. I've just been drinking orange juice every morning for the past 2 weeks and it's been helping me. :)
  • I eat dinner for breakfast and something light for dinner