Help needed, please. :0)

Hi all,
I was just wondering if there are any girls out there who are overweight and go swimming regularly? I have injured my arm and was told to try swimming to help with getting it stronger. I really want to go, but the sight of me in my costume makes me want to cry and it is putting me off wanting to go swimming!
I was wondering if there was anyone on here who could inspire me with some girl power stories about being plus size and looking great in a swimming costume.


  • Livingbalanced
    Livingbalanced Posts: 84 Member

    Like you, I've never really been comfortable in a bathing suit, let alone in front of other people, but I joined a gym because they had a pool (admittedly, I've only been once because I love kickboxing and zumba so much more!). I was scared as hell to put a bathing suit on, with my curves and cellulite out there for everyone to see... but you know what? No one cared, no one even noticed and if they did, I didn't care. I headed for the pool and once I was in, it was great. I was comfortable in the water (I've got bad knees) and it was fabulous.

    We can't be limited by other people's opinions because we're not living their life and they are not living ours. We are wonderful, smart, courageous women and we should be celebrated for that - not undermining ourselves based on a bathing suit!

    Now, get dressed and get wet! :)
  • twogirlsmama
    twogirlsmama Posts: 45 Member
    I am an avid swimmer in the warmer months. I say rock it! Don't worry about what other people think. Confidence is part of beauty, remember your beautiful!
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,901 Member
    I have always swam even before I lost the weight. What you don't know is it is very rare to find a woman comfortable in a swim suite no matter how big or small she is. Just go and enjoy luv and don't worry ab out anyone else ((hugs))
  • llamb6698
    llamb6698 Posts: 15 Member
    Just go with it! everyone else there is worried about how they look too!
  • F1uffy2
    F1uffy2 Posts: 84 Member
    I have to hold my hands up and admit I do do the 'to the side of the pool, remove towel and quick dash in' move and always have done regardless of my size!

    The daft thing is no-one really give two hoots about the fact that my costume has wriggled a millimetre or ten or that my illuminous day glow skin is on show. They are more worried about the fact that they have to get out while I am comfortably covered with water and they will be the ones on show not me!

    What they don't consider is I really am not bothered about what they look like when they try to do their version of 'the dash'! Pretty much boils down to yes everyone has a quick peek but not really a gawp, and everyone is far more bothered about their own bits to be bothered about anyone elses.

    Take the plunge honey. You'll not regret it.x
  • yourpalacf
    yourpalacf Posts: 51 Member
    I have to hold my hands up and admit I do do the 'to the side of the pool, remove towel and quick dash in' move and always have done regardless of my size!

    The daft thing is no-one really give two hoots about the fact that my costume has wriggled a millimetre or ten or that my illuminous day glow skin is on show. They are more worried about the fact that they have to get out while I am comfortably covered with water and they will be the ones on show not me!

    What they don't consider is I really am not bothered about what they look like when they try to do their version of 'the dash'! Pretty much boils down to yes everyone has a quick peek but not really a gawp, and everyone is far more bothered about their own bits to be bothered about anyone elses.

    Take the plunge honey. You'll not regret it.x

    I second that. Also, I have always loved, loved, loved the feeling of my body in water. Just focus on that.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you dont weigh anything in the water!!!! When I first started- just feeling light on my feet made me want to cry. And then my joints got stronger and I was moving better and I didnt even have form or anything. In my head I felt beautiful and streamlined. It didnt even matter after about 3 visits - whether i looked like a drwning cow or an olympic swimmer- cause it was worth the minute and a half it took me to run from the dressing room and slip into the water ASAP.
  • dtsbrown
    dtsbrown Posts: 41 Member
    Swimming is great. Others can't see your body in the water. Just getting in and out. So hop in and out quick. What others think does matter. Good for you for going and doing something about it. excuses.
  • cindytw
    cindytw Posts: 1,027 Member
    In addition to all that, if you join a place more family oriented, there is likely to always be someone there who looks worse than you. Not to judge, just to say that you are not alone at all! So you can just keep that in mind, and also most women are uncomfortable. Just grit your teeth and do it!