Nice biscuits

Boolost1 Posts: 44 Member
Hi all, new to here, so last nite whilst spending all day being good sat and ate 6 nice biscuits..... i could have had a glass wine and felt more satisfied, for the amount of calories contained, really struggling with the lack of crunchy stuff like crisp and biscuits :(
Any advice would be great thanks x


  • sculptcha
    sculptcha Posts: 163 Member
    pork rinds! spicy ones are best. also, snap pea crisps.
  • Boolost1
    Boolost1 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi thanks for the advice!!!
  • jonyb1919
    jonyb1919 Posts: 15 Member
    I know it's difficult.....
    Lack of a beer at night does me in....
    With crisps and stuff I've found just have a small amount instead of the packet works, don't sit with the packet in front of you, take a couple and put them away. Anything in moderation is fine, I now make 1 beer last the night instead of a 4 pack lasting 2 hours :-) ....
    Is working for me and soon I'll be without a beer ....
  • Boolost1
    Boolost1 Posts: 44 Member
    Hi yes, its finishing work and rushing round then thinking glass of wine sounds nice which then ends with the bottle finishing and stumbling to bed lol.....
    crisp is just a struggle but get what your saying thanks for the advice will try that... and perhaps a glass of wine instead of the bottle .........