New to MyFitnessPal!! Looking for peers to journey along with this fitness journey! Add ME!!

A 32 Year Old wife and mother of one! Finally getting my mojo back to get my fitness back! I like the way i'm feeling and I wanna keep it that way!!


  • Hi there how are you doing. I had lost 22# and them put it all back on. The thing I don't get is that there wasn't a hole lot that changed about my eating habits. At least I didn't think so. So now I am starting over. I have To lose the first 22. Good luck in your endeavors and your own fitness challenges.
  • mrskayphelps
    mrskayphelps Posts: 2 Member
    Hello!!! I'm doing well! 22 pounds that's an awesome accomplishment! You can do it again! I to have lost alot once before...then life happened! I got lazy! I got married and had a baby! Now my toddler is 1.5 and the time has come! I do hope you surpass your previous goal and Good luck to you as well!!