
Why is there no way to enter a Crossfit workout? It would take to long to enter all the exercises.


  • Agreed!! But since every day is different, there would be no way of knowing how many calories burnt that day. I just leave it off knowing I'm probably going to eat the same amount anyway.
  • kishstl
    kishstl Posts: 40 Member
    Just create your own based on your typical kcal burn per time interval desired and use that.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Either use calisthenics or get an HRM. I wore an HRM and, on average, burned 350 calories for the hour class. I'm 5'4, 135 female, 33 yo.
  • kyleh206
    kyleh206 Posts: 13 Member
    You don't need your exact calories burned. Work your butt off and eat right.