I can't get back on track!

I was doing great, feeling awesome about my food choices and portions until... EASTER! Now I can't seem to get back. I wasn't having trouble with my willpower pretty much at all. I would allow my daughters to eat things that I LOVE but I knew I shouldn't and I wasn't even picking at it! Now I pick at everything and craving carbs and sugar like no other! Is there some kind of cleanse that I could do to give me a fresh start? Or do I just need to find that willpower again?


  • tread41
    tread41 Posts: 1
    I'm in the same situation, I can't get on track at all. The night snaking is my biggest issue alo
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    I think for sugar you have to just go cold turkey and then the cravings take care of themselves. And by all means, get that sugar out of sight ... even if it means putting it in the freezer. This was a hard weekend for me, too.
  • JoanFitnessWarrior
    JoanFitnessWarrior Posts: 4 Member
    First of all a big congratulations on your success and your proven willpower :) sounds like your feeling a little deprived so your going a little overboard! This is what sugar does, lowers the mood and motivation. Start again on a positive tomorrow God willing, and over the next couple of days when you get the sugar out of your system you will feel so much better and motivated, we all slip up, me too last week, way over with cals and macros, but gratefully back on track. We can do this :)
  • ephiemarie
    ephiemarie Posts: 264 Member
    I was feeling the same way this morning (seriously, I ate wayyyy too much candy over the weekend!), so I threw out the remaining lemon bars that kept calling to me and put the communal candy bowl in the cupboard. So far, so good.

    I find it's easier to get back on track if I spend a day drinking only water and coffee until my stomach is literally growling. At that point--which usually isn't until mid-afternoon--I'll have a healthy snack or small meal. I'll usually lose a pound or two of post-holiday water weight doing this, and that gives me the motivation to walk away from the damn Cadbury mini eggs!
  • JoanFitnessWarrior
    JoanFitnessWarrior Posts: 4 Member
    Oh those Creme Eggs were the start of most our downfall and decent into sugar madness :wink:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    At some stage you need to make a choice of whether you want to lose weight or you want the extra calories more? If you cant cold turkey, then you are going to have to do a moderation bacck to your deficit by logging everything and reducing by x calories every few days. You can also do some exercise to burn up the difference.

    No to cleanses really. Many people on this diet by just moderating and still having things they like but smaller portions. Maybe go to maintenance log everything and then pick things you can reduce or can do without.

    Be patient and realistic with yourself. You can do it, just try and make better decisions each day.
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    What I have been doing is chewing gum. It helps me with the sweet cravings. I went WAAAY overboard over the weekend, good old drunk munchies a couple days haha (my family is usually a bad influence!) But I am not beating myself up over it and starting fresh tomorrow! I am even sayin screw it and getting popcorn tonight at the movies knowin that tomorrow I am starting with a clean slate. It is hard to get back into it, but you will get there!
  • Crogirl_22
    Crogirl_22 Posts: 40 Member
    Hey.. are you doing strength training?? if yes, you shouldnt worry so much... referring to those cravings.. in the past I ate a lot of sweets and was a total emotional eater... nowadays I would never think of eating any sweets. For me I found out it helps to eat clean and lots of fruits and veggies and whats more important, if you have a clear reason why you are doing something it will give you willpower ( for me, I dont want to put crap in my body anymore, I want to be healthy, all those diseases nowadays are coming from eating habits...thats my lifelong motivation ;)) . Also, especially when you are lifting and seeing your gains its motivation enough...and the good feeling you get when eating balanced :)@emily889 dont fall for chewing gums, they fool your body, and initiate the same natural digestive steps as when you are taking food in.. in the long term destroyable for your digestive system. Our colon is an important organ for vitamins and all over functions, dont ruin it ;) You should always listen to your body.. food cravings are often connected to your Psyche and your brain is just functioning out of habits ;) Hope you can get something out of it !
  • andienoble2011
    andienoble2011 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you everyone for your input! Differently a lot of help from all different perspectives. I did better yesterday and so far doing far better today. One day at a time I'll get back there! Thank you again
  • flowerchic2323
    flowerchic2323 Posts: 16 Member
    I know the feeling. This is day four of snacking, not counting calories, and night eating. I was doing so good. I didn't have sugar cravings. My weight was going down steadly. Now it's going up, up, up. I feel bad and guilty, but those feelings make me snack more. As I put it in my mouth I tell myself " don't eat that". And guess what, it still goes in my mouth. Today is a new day and I've been kicking my butt, because it's not even supper time, and I've already eaten most of my calories. But gonna try sooooo hard to stay in my calories tonight. It will take me a week of hard work but then it will just all fall into place again.... I hope.
    Stay strong and keep us posted on your progress.