Need More Friends to Follow!

samerz816 Posts: 7 Member
edited April 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All!

My name is Sam, and I am on a mission to shed some pounds. I'm a 27-year-old female living in downtown Chicago. I'm 5'5" and currently 188.2 pounds as of this morning, down from my highest of 202. My goal is to reach 130/135 pounds around NYE, though I don't consider it a deadline by any means.

I've used MFP for quite a while to track my weigh-ins but just recently starting using the calorie tracking and other features (mainly because I'd been on Weight Watchers), and I'd love to have more friends to follow during my journey.

Please feel free to add me if any or all of the following is true. You:
- are a 20/30-something female.
- are working on LOSING weight.
- live in the Chicagoland area.
- are doing any program from Beachbody (particularly T25, Insanity Max 30, P90X3, Insanity, or P90X).
- have a public/friends-only food log that you update on a regular basis.
- just plain feel like it :)

I also keep a blog to document my journey. Feel free to check it out as well if you'd like:

Hope to connect with a lot of you very soon :)


  • Never_Quit32
    Never_Quit32 Posts: 89 Member
  • Rocketqueeen
    Rocketqueeen Posts: 96 Member
    Hi Sam! I want to wish you luck on your weightless journey :) I am 34 years old and live in NYC. I am currently doing T25 and can't wait to finish so that I can start Max 30 although I am terrified. This is my second time doing T25. The first time I wasn't as consistent as I should have been and decided to start over halfway through. I have also been terrible at tracking my food intake but I am ready to make a change.
  • jirojinassassin
    jirojinassassin Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I'm Julian I live in Akron Ohio lookin for new friends that have this app pl add me
  • Winston817
    Winston817 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I'm here to shed some weight and have fun doing it. Send a message with an add B)
  • paddyen4
    paddyen4 Posts: 1 Member
    looking to lose a few pounds myself. lets be friends. I'm from the UK ;)
  • HotKanye
    HotKanye Posts: 103 Member
    I'm not in your area but similar weight/height range and I'm 31. Sending you a request! :)
  • ericvaldesere
    ericvaldesere Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I'm an everyday user I track my actions all the time. I'm looking for more friends as well. I'm in Hawaii and 36 years old.