Indiana girl here.

Good afternoon!

I'm Laura. I'm a 29 year old Hoosier who is trying to get back on track. I've had great success with this site in the past, and am hoping to stay active with it again.

I have a 2 year old daughter and want another baby before too long. I'm hoping to lose some more weight before that happens though, so here I am. Anyone in a similar boat?

I'll gladly accept friends, but I'm not looking for people to critique all my choices. I won't do that to you either. I understand everybody is on a different journey and have different things that are working for them. My job isn't to tell you what or how to do it; it's just to encourage you along the path you've chosen to go. If you have a similar attitude, please feel free to add me.

Good luck with all your goals. You CAN do it! :)


  • devaughnki
    devaughnki Posts: 14 Member
    I am looking for people to keep me motivated and I hope I can do the same for the.