About one year and 92 pounds lighter! Still have a long way to go!

Hey guys, how's everyone doing? My name is John. I've been reading these forums for a while now, but I've only recently started posting. Let me start ff by saying I've been obese for pretty much my entire life. I'm 22 now, and I can't remember a time when I wasn't overweight/obese. At my heaviest, I remember being about 350 at one point. I'm 6'3". I tried several times in high school to lose the weight. I'd start for a month or so then just go back into old habits. From just going at it myself to participating in a biggest loser program at my gym, I just couldn't keep at it. My senior year in high school I joined the football team. I lost a decent amount of weight doing that, but gained it all back after I graduated.

Fast forward a few years. March of 2014. I was miserable. I don't know what it was about it, but one day while watching tv, I started watching a commercial for T-25 with Shaun T. Before anyone asks, no, I'm not a beach body coach. Anyway, something about that commercial and the things Shaun were saying made me decide to try to get in shape again. I took the plunge and bought the program and a bathroom scale. When I started T-25, I weighed 324 pounds. I got about 3 weeks into the program, and quit. This time was different though. I quit the program, not my quest to get in weight.

I joined a gym, continued eating healthy and bought a bike. I wasn't going to stop this time. I starting eating the paleo diet. That helped a lot with my initial weight loss, though I don't do it anymore. I set a lot of mini goals for myself. I had a shirt of my favorite band that was a size too small. That was my first goal, to shrink enough to fit into that. The day I could comfortably wear that shirt was one of the happiest of my life.

And now here I am today. I've actually been hitting a plateau for the last few months, but I think it's time to continue my journey. Right now, I weigh 232 pounds, 92 pounds lighter than just over a year ago, and I feel great. My current goal is to get down to 200 pounds and then start building some muscle.

I also now know what I want to do with my life. My entire life so far, I never knew what I wanted to do. Then I started this journey, and I know that I want to help other do the same, and feel as great as I do when I go flying past my goals. I've still got a long way to go to get where I want to be, and a lot to learn about the industry, but I'm hoping that by this time next year I'll be starting to get my career off the ground.

Anyway, here's some pictures! The left is from about a year ago, the right is today. I'm wearing the same shirt (the one that was my original goal to fit into) for comparison.




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