Under 30's with arthritis

Looking for some people who have the same physical limitations/challenges that I do. Can use all the motivation and support possible to exercise despite the pain that inevitably follows. I've had arthritis (rheumatoid and psoriatic) since I was four years old. Virtually every exercise that is not aquatic causes joint pain, but it HAS to be done regardless! Please add me if you, too, suffer from arthritis.


  • BrickiLee
    BrickiLee Posts: 12 Member
    Hey! I'll be 26 next Thursday and was diagnosed with RA at the age of 14. You have my support!
  • jordantheginger
    jordantheginger Posts: 3 Member
    Same here! Diagnosed with RA at 18, I'm now 28.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    You CAN actually lose weight without any activity whatsoever. I know this as I have chronic illness and am losing weight with calories alone. I stand at times, walk to the toilet, sit up a teensy bit, but most of the time I lay flat. I am a lovely mix of joint pain undifferentiated connective tissue disease and vestibular migraine with persistent aura. I now have a bit of neuropathy/ paresthesia/ dysesthesia just for fun. I take it to mean they have ZERO clue what is really wrong but the immune system nerve system and balance system don't work right anymore. No worries. I can't do pool anything or much (gentle seated restorative yoga for brief bits like 8 minutes at home). I of course used to dance and wear heels and hike and run and kickbox and traded that for pool jogging, rehab pool, and yoga, and traded that for bedrest and some stretching. C'est la vie!

    STILL....my point is that weight loss can be achieved. There is a group or post recently (I think 2 days ago) about a RA or maybe lupus or rhupus person and loads of responses back. People in wheelchairs can lose weight, people on bedrest can lose weight, people incapable of ANY activity and on steroids and the other meds CAN lose weight. It may be slower and perhaps more challenging due to the health issues, but it can be done. There are some very inspirational folks that have lost large amounts of weight with many physical issues.

    Feel free to add me if you like, I don't have RA and they stopped checking me for that and ankylosing spondylitis many moons ago, but they still love looking for MS and lupus. Either way, I have lost 30 pounds so far and have 30 to go! Good luck, it can be done!