weighing in every day...

Since I started this weightloss journey on 7th April 2011 i have only weighed in once a week, at the same time, before I eat in the morning. However i started to zig zag my calories yesterday and made myself a spreadsheet and wanted to weigh myself everyday in the morning for this week to really see how much my weight fluctuates during the week. I weighed 138 yesterday, and I weighed again today and i'm 139!? Does that sound normal? I have no idea how much weight is supposed to change on a day to day basis, but I didn't over eat at all yesterday, it was my 1500 calorie day, and i also had spin class and walked 4 miles, just seems a bit crazy for me to be a pound UP? does this happen to everyone? will it drop down again? I'm a bit disheartened, im trying not to be because obviously to gain a pound of fat you need to eat 3500 extra calories, so it can't be actual weight, but still, tell me what happens to you guys.

P.s - I'm only weighing in everyday this week to really get an understanding of how mu weight goes up and down on a day to day basis and to see if zig zagging works for me



  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    thats why you shouldnt weigh every day :)
  • lisapickering
    lisapickering Posts: 374
    thats why you shouldnt weigh every day :)

  • cpj74
    cpj74 Posts: 4 Member
    I also weigh in everyday but it's because I have so much to lose it's nice to even see a pound gone. When I reach my ideal weight I'll only weigh once a week. Don't fixate on numbers, it's how you feel and your clothes fit.
  • ssc0303
    ssc0303 Posts: 36 Member
    thats why you shouldnt weigh every day :)

    I agree. My weigh-ins are on Mondays but my friend tried to get me to weigh with her today. I declined for this very reason. Weighing to often becomes discouraging for me. I like weighing once a week..I'm actually considering weighing every other week.
  • AUPerry
    AUPerry Posts: 166
    Lol yeah, I weigh myself everyday but don't really take it into account unless it is my designated weigh in day. It's going to fluctuate from 0-3 lbs. This happens to me all the time.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    youll end up like me ill weigh at least 3 times a day ........ its kinda crazy
  • cjmariani
    cjmariani Posts: 12
    Fluctuations day to day on weight is totally normal, and nearly is always the result of water weight gain or loss. If your workout was more weights than cardio, you'll likely gain weight the next day if for no other reason then muscle retains water, especially as it is building and "healing" from the workout the day before.

    Sodium is probably the bigger culprit however. Keep in mind that a liter of water weighs 2.2 lbs. And retaining as much as a gallon of water isn't that unusual. The best answer is to drink more water, to flush out the excess sodium which is causing the water retention.

    Women are also more susceptible to water retention during certain times of their menstrual cycle as well.

    Your best bet is to look at weight loss over longer period of times, at the same time of day and the same time of the week.

    I also weigh myself everyday to keep myself "honest" and motivate me to do the right thing like work harder, eat less and drink more water. But I don't kill myself when the scale jumps after eating too much salt...

    Stay on it!!
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Are you weighing in clothing or nude? I weigh in the nude, once a week, same day, around the same time. When I'm weighed at the doctor of course I'm clothed by my doctor subtracts 2-3 lbs. for the clothing.
  • warmachinejt
    warmachinejt Posts: 2,167 Member
    umm...your body weight can move 1 to 3 lbs in a day..
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I've clearly said I'm doing it just for this week to really see the change in the scales over a day to day period. Maybe you didn't read my whole post.
  • bfnp
    bfnp Posts: 58
    I weigh myself every day and, when I'm sticking with both my diet and exercise plans, my weight trends like 2lbs up, 3lbs down. so 210...212...209...211...208.

    I weigh in every day because I like to see the results as quickly as possible when I know I've been doing things right. But I also understand the trends and the peaks and valleys when my diet is off, so it's more motivation for me than discourgement.
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    not all scales are really accurate, mine says it has an inaccuracy of 400g (0.88 lbs), even though it's digital and shown units of 100g (0.22 lbs).

    so one pound up or down should be something to worry about, and that's also one of the reasons why you shouldn't weigh in every day ;)
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Fluctuations day to day on weight is totally normal, and nearly is always the result of water weight gain or loss. If your workout was more weights than cardio, you'll likely gain weight the next day if for no other reason then muscle retains water, especially as it is building and "healing" from the workout the day before.

    Sodium is probably the bigger culprit however. Keep in mind that a liter of water weighs 2.2 lbs. And retaining as much as a gallon of water isn't that unusual. The best answer is to drink more water, to flush out the excess sodium which is causing the water retention.

    Women are also more susceptible to water retention during certain times of their menstrual cycle as well.

    Your best bet is to look at weight loss over longer period of times, at the same time of day and the same time of the week.

    I also weigh myself everyday to keep myself "honest" and motivate me to do the right thing like work harder, eat less and drink more water. But I don't kill myself when the scale jumps after eating too much salt...

    Stay on it!!

    My sodium is always very low, but thanks for your advise!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    Are you weighing in clothing or nude? I weigh in the nude, once a week, same day, around the same time. When I'm weighed at the doctor of course I'm clothed by my doctor subtracts 2-3 lbs. for the clothing.

    In the nude!
  • maillekelly
    maillekelly Posts: 132
    thats why you shouldnt weigh every day :)

    I am only weighing in every day this week, like i have said :)
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    I hear what everyone is saying about not weighing in everyday. But I personally do, it keeps me in check with what I am doing. I know as a woman I am going to hold more water weight during the week and I have accepted that. But I want to see what makes me gain and what makes me maintain or lose. I think if you've got a good hold on what your doing, weighing daily isn't a bad thing. If your easily discouraged when you see a gain on the scale then NO don't weigh daily, cause you will, it's a given if your a woman.

    My experience is this, I weigh every morning same time, wearing the same type of clothing. I know that I will loss one day and gain the next, and the 3 rd day I usually loss again any where from 1 lb to 2 lbs less than my second days weight. I have been losing 2- 2.5 lbs a week.

    Good Luck
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Too much sodium? Did you drink more water than usual?....
  • EmilyAnn89
    EmilyAnn89 Posts: 564 Member
    I hear what everyone is saying about not weighing in everyday. But I personally do, it keeps me in check with what I am doing. I know as a woman I am going to hold more water weight during the week and I have accepted that. But I want to see what makes me gain and what makes me maintain or lose. I think if you've got a good hold on what your doing, weighing daily isn't a bad thing. If your easily discouraged when you see a gain on the scale then NO don't weigh daily, cause you will, it's a given if your a woman.

    My experience is this, I weigh every morning same time, wearing the same type of clothing. I know that I will loss one day and gain the next, and the 3 rd day I usually loss again any where from 1 lb to 2 lbs less than my second days weight. I have been losing 2- 2.5 lbs a week.

    Good Luck

    i do exactly this! i usually know that if i have gained i haven't been drinking enough water. i weigh every day, same time, no clothes. if i do gain it's usually 1-2 lbs. at most and usually gone within 1-2 days.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Your weight is said to fluctuate up to two pounds a day. No big deal, it's just a pound and it'll come back off. No worries.
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    Its completely fine. I like to take a sneak peak mid week and those numbers are crazy compared to what it is on weigh in day. It could be water weight! Don't worry about it. You are right, you didn't eat a pound worth of calories! What is the zig zag anyway? Sounds interesting.