New to Fitness Pal

Hello Everyone,
My name is Missy and I just got recommended to this site. I am hoping that I can use this as a tool to help me lose my weight with a little bit of motivation and encouragement. I know that without these two things I haven't wanted to do anything to help better myself. Well I am in jeopardy of having to get a full knee replacement and I'm only 32 years old because of the excess weight that I am bearing. Sadly since my last surgery I haven't been able to shed the pounds like before but rather gain them. I am hoping that I can meet some new friends who will help encourage and motivate me just like I can do that back for them. Positive energy in life is better then negative. :)


  • Chiquimama
    Hi Missy. Welcome. I am fairly new as well. First time posting to the forums. I am not too good at tracking my foods but I am getting better. What are your goals! I need to lose 90 pounds!!!
  • msmmagoo
    msmmagoo Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Ladies! I am new as well. I am looking to lose 40 lbs quickly, then sixty more, so, Yeah I've got a lot of work to do, but Im ready to get it done :)
  • rcaissie2012
    rcaissie2012 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello! I'm new! I am trying to start a small group to help motivate and be accountable to.

    Group name is 50lbs + Divas and you are more then welcome to join me and post daily with me.
  • Never_Quit32
    Never_Quit32 Posts: 89 Member
    Been around for a couple weeks now, feel free to add me.