is it just me

I started my weight loss journey last September at 22stone 1lb which is the heaviest I have ever been. Today I weighed myself im 18stone 3lb nearly 4 stone down but I jus cant see it in myself. I have had people comment on how much ive lossed and my clothes are not as tight but when I look at myself in the mirror its like nothing has changed. Has anyone else felt the same?


  • Ale30Nka
    Ale30Nka Posts: 4 Member
    I do. I guess it is because we look at our self in the mirror on daily basis so we get used to it as we go.

  • Ale30Nka
    Ale30Nka Posts: 4 Member
    Forgot to add, stick with it-if people are noticing you must be doing something right :):)
  • BicepsAndBows
    BicepsAndBows Posts: 197 Member
    I have the same struggle. I think, like the person above me said, that we see ourselves so many times on a daily basis that it can be hard to notice change. Also, we are often our own worst critic so may be harder on ourselves and less likely to notice positive change in our body than others. It can be easier for other people to compliment our progress than to see it in ourselves. Try taking some progress pictures. That might help you see the change more easily than just looking in the mirror day in and day out
  • tri_bob
    tri_bob Posts: 121 Member
    Also, try to pay attention to other indicators of change. Maybe you don't feel as winded as you used to after climbing a set of stairs; maybe you respond differently to the notion of walking somewhere as opposed to driving; maybe ... something else (like the way your clothes fit or people mentioning it to you).

    I'm reminded of something I heard somebody say about aging: "You see time passing looking at other people's kids." Looking at yourself, the changes are too gradual to really see, maybe. Take pictures, keep a journal, get a set of measurements, do whatever you need to that will help document the change. Eventually, you will be able to see it.
  • b9_aj
    b9_aj Posts: 4 Member
    Thanx all I think I will start taking process pics, I suppose as long as its coming off thats all that matters, I just hope whwn ive got to where I want to be I can see the changes
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I have went from an obese 255lbs to 175lbs and 10-11% body fat in 2 years. I STILL look in the mirror and see a "fat" guy from time to time.

    My advice...take lots of pics. They help me a lot.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    I can see my weight loss best in progress pictures and when I see my shadow.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think it's 100% normal because your brain has an image of your body (it uses to place you in space, keep you from bumping into walls & stuff like that) and so you have to give it some time to catch up to the new reality.