New Direction Weight Control System by Robard Corp.

Rogue_228 Posts: 13 Member
I have only been on the New Direction Weight Control System for 8 days, I have lost 12.5 pounds so far. I am well aware that weight loss will not continue at this rate. This program is Dr., Nutritionalist, Trainer supervised and feels right for me at this time. I am looking for other's who are currently on this system to share ideas, and weight loss goals with.


  • LaurenBStarnes
    I started at the end of February. I've also lost 12 pounds. It is definitely not for everyone but it is really helping me!
  • dalorian
    dalorian Posts: 1 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow, feel excited! Need to loose 50 pounds! Can't wait to loose Good luck to all of us :wink:
  • lizananda
    lizananda Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys- glad to hear you are feeling so good about your choice. I've looked into this program as well- and there is a lot of differences between providers. I'd like to hear what your programs are like? Cost? do you meet with same groups every week? Do topics change? How often do you see the doctor? Any feedback would be very helpful to hear!!! Good luck to all of you :)
  • suzannej1971
    I started this week too and so far - so good. Today I'm pretty tired but they said it's normal and will get better;)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Liquid meal replacement....

    Does the system offer help for transitioning to "real food" ? I hope so.
  • locoannie
    locoannie Posts: 4 Member
  • locoannie
    locoannie Posts: 4 Member
    23 dollars a box of 7 packages. Weekly rn visits monthly doctor visits and blood work no groups meeting one time with nutritionist one with psychologist. Awesome so far! 11.6 pound loss in 4 weeks.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    I just had my medical clearance appointment and will have my EKG and blood drawn soon before I can start. I would enjoy having MFP group to go along with the weekly meetings I will be attending. I want to lose 130 pounds so I will be at this for awhile. I plan to do the VLCD using 100% meal replacements.

    How is everyone doing do far?

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    I just had my medical clearance appointment and will have my EKG and blood drawn soon before I can start. I would enjoy having MFP group to go along with the weekly meetings I will be attending. I want to lose 130 pounds so I will be at this for awhile. I plan to do the VLCD using 100% meal replacements.

    Why would you do this to yourself?

    "Patients on our VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) plan consume only meal replacements during the initial phase of their diet to accelerate weight loss."

    And btw, this violates MFP's posting guidelines and has been reported.

    "b) Profiles, groups, messages, posts, or wall comments that encourage anorexia, bulimia, or very low calorie diets of any kind will be removed, and may be grounds for account deletion."
  • locoannie
    locoannie Posts: 4 Member
    Even medically managed?
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry I am just seeing "snickerscharles" comment. Like "locoannie" said New Directions is a medically supervised low calorie diet but I appreciate your concern.

    Most of the time your body uses glucose from carbohydrates in your diet for energy. With this very low calorie diet your body starts burning fat as another source of energy. The fat is then released into the bloodstream through the liver where it is changed into ketones. The ketones are then released back into the bloodstream where they are picked up by other tissues and muscle and used as energy. This process is called ketosis.

    Your body needs protein to help meet energy needs during this time as well. The New Direction products are made with enough protein to meet the body's needs and enough carbohydrates required to make energy for the cells in the body that cannot use ketones for energy. Without the added protein and balanced carbohydrates and fat from the New Direction products the body would break down it's own tissues which could result in serious health consequences, even death.

    People who follow the New Directions plan are metabolizing calories differently than those who are on the low calorie diets that My Fitness Plan is concerned about. The supplements are only eaten exclusively during the reducing phase. Then a person would enter the adapting phase where they would decrease the supplements and add more regular food. Finally there is the sustaining phase of the program where the person will eat regular foods exclusively.

    The program also includes weekly meetings that include behavior modification, dietitians that teach nutrition and exercise specialists. I hope that helps you understand the program better.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member

    Yes it does after the rapid reducing phase. During the adapting phase you use less New Direction products and add more food to your daily diet.

    In the sustaining phase you eat regular foods and continue practicing your new lifestyle and weight management skills under the guidance of the New Direction support staff.

    TeaBea wrote: »
    Liquid meal replacement....

    Does the system offer help for transitioning to "real food" ? I hope so.

  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Options we go
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    Even medically supervised VLCD are against the forum rules. They can trigger anorexic users who were in recovery to relapse.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Apparently this was approved by moderators on March 8. Go fig.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm new to the "community" on MFP so I am in unchartered waters here. I was just looking to join with others who were doing the medically supervised New Directions plan. Maybe there's another place on here where I can go?

    Someone who had a history of anorexia wouldn't be approved for the program. I could see it being a problem for them.
  • foreverslim1111
    foreverslim1111 Posts: 2,619 Member
    CICO is the only weight loss method that has worked long term for me. I get to eat real food of my choice and MFP, my guide, is free. I've lost 12 lbs, my health has never been better and my cholesterol is the lowest its ever been. I have no need or desire go on some program that drastically restricts my calories and costs $$$$.
  • HuskerJulie413
    HuskerJulie413 Posts: 84 Member
    I just read the MFP's posting guidelines and since the New Directions program is proven safe (after decades of use in hospitals) and medically supervised it would not meet this criteria. Someone posted this thread had been approved by moderators March 8th. I think our own group would be more appropriate rather than on the forum. I am still a newbie. I really don't want to debate the topic but thanks for everybody's concern. We all have to make the decisions that are right for us.

    a) Posts intended to promote potentially unsafe or controversial weight loss products or procedures, including non-medically prescribed supplements or MLM products will be removed without warning.
  • jultut
    jultut Posts: 6 Member
    I just posted this on another New Direction post too:

    After having all the medical testing done (EKG, blood tests, etc.), I was medically approved to start this program in June. I've been on only the meal replacements since June 23. I'm down almost 20 lbs already, but those lbs lost are hard fought. This program isn't for everyone, but I have a goal of losing over 100 lbs and this medically supervised program is the smart choice for me. I've lost over a 100 lbs before the "wrong way" on my own with starvation and exercise...kept that weight off for over 10 years before having my two kids. Medical issues and Rx drugs (like steroids) have caused me to keep gaining weight over the years, and this program is a better alternative for me than something more drastic like bariatric surgery. Disappointed to see so many people on MFP not being supportive of the people on the New Direction MEDICALLY SUPERVISED weight loss plan. This is hard work, and we need support not criticism!
  • emcgehee1
    emcgehee1 Posts: 16 Member
    Can anyone report back on their progress with New Direction medically supervised plan?