High-volume eater - are there any others?



  • justgonzo
    High volume eating... hmmmm
    I never even thought of that as an option. I just figured if you're trying to lose, small portions is the goal.... And yaddayaddyadda...
    But I "binge" at least once a week. Eating everything I struggle not to eat all week long. I just figured I had bad will. But I've always been able to out eat everyone I've ever met. Idk...
  • etaylor704
    etaylor704 Posts: 31 Member
    I need some tips from u lol. I still haven't hit that 100lb mark. I guess I'm a volume eater too, I just like to go in on meals lol
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    Thanks for the recipes people, some of these sound amazing! I like the idea of something I can do quickly for lunch or a a side with dinner (my other half doesn't like low-can meals and I'm too lazy to make two separate meals).
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm totally a high volume eater, too.

    I second the poster who promoted veggies. Veggies are your nutritional, high-volume friend! I try to squeeze at least one veggie into every meal... even breakfast! They bulk up the meal and (most) don't add significant calories.

    I also like to bulk up my "regular volume" foods with veggies to make a much larger quantity of serving; for instance, I'll steam and crush up (coarsely, with a fork) cauliflower, then use it as a "bed" under some brown rice before then adding my protein , and whatever sauces or seasonings I want (along with other veggies too!). Or I'll spiralize some zucchini, zap it in the microwave for a couple of minutes (so it is still firm but cooked) and mix it in with my small portion of pasta under my turkey/veggie pasta sauce sprinkled lightly with parmesan. I steam thinly sliced cabbage and mix it with a bit of brown rice and use it as a "pasta replacement" under sauces as well; always sprinkled with some grated cheese so it still tastes lux.

    Like others, I'll make massive salads for one with some sliced up protein on top (chicken breast, etc.) along with various other fresh veggies, tinned beets, or a few beans on top, using lemon juice, a tiny drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar as a dressing.

    Can you get spaghetti squash where you are? I'll eat half the baked squash as a single portion, topped with lots of tomato sauce and more veggies, again with grated parmesan (which doesn't have lots of calories but adds lots of flavour) and hot chili flakes. I do put a lean protein like chicken or very lean ground sirloin to bump up the protein (which keeps me fuller for longer).

    My wholegrain lunch wraps are filled with a small amount of protein, then sliced cucumbers, shredded carrot, heaps of mesculin mix salad greens and a little lowfat cheese Sometimes I have a broth based soup or a pureed vegetable (carrot/ginger, or pumpkin spice) soup on the side.

    I buy the light wholegrain bread so that I get two slices for the calories of one ordinary slice. I use the light cream cheese in place of butter or mayo on the bread. I use light plain Greek yogurt instead of sour cream so I can heap on more.

    I snack on lots of popcorn, and am looking forward to making my own kale chips (which I hear are easy to make and taste great). I often pair my high volume snacks with a chunk of Babybel lite cheese (low cal/ good protein) to keep myself full for longer.

    I make a "trail mix" with All Bran Buds (high fiber; so they fill me up), a few pistachio nuts and 10-15 m&m's-- all eaten with a full pint or two of water... a sweet treat that keeps me full for a while and bumps up the day's fiber macros.

    Looking forward to hearing the ideas of others. For someone who loves to eat, high volumes of lower cal foods that fit your macros is a great way to lose weight without feeling deprived.

    Edited for detail.
  • kazminchu
    kazminchu Posts: 250 Member
    Wow, that's an impressive amount of ideas there! Sadly I've not seen spaghetti squash in the UK, which upsets me as it sounds awesome! I'm planning on getting a spiralizer as I've seen several people recommend them!
    Is your diary open? Do you mind if I add you as a friend to stalk you for ideas?
  • onelentilatatime
    onelentilatatime Posts: 208 Member
    I eat industrial quantities of broccoli - it has more protein than you think. Good in salads as well as hot. And lots of soup. And protein rich foods - chicken, eggs, beans, lentils. Do you like volume or just feeling full? I like both / either. I also save large meal for late evening - something to look forward to.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    I drain and rinse a can of butter beans, and put it in a microwave-safe bowl. Top it with 2+ cups of frozen spinach, 2-3 T. of nutritional yeast, a little salt and pepper, and microwave it until hot. Stir it up before eating--It will hold you for hours and is loaded with protein, iron, calcium, potassium, and all the rest. My favorite go-to meal. Other beans and greens work well, but this is my favorite combination. I use a Vegetti to make zucchini pasta mixed with grated carrot and chopped green onions. For extra protein and nutrients, you can add some tofu cubes. Heat with a little marinara sauce, and you get a huge meal. Those are my two absolute favorites.
  • bud_1
    bud_1 Posts: 9 Member
    i can't stay away from sweets
  • kgmcgee
    kgmcgee Posts: 34 Member
    Ideabaker wrote: »

    I make a "trail mix" with All Bran Buds (high fiber; so they fill me up), a few pistachio nuts and 10-15 m&m's-- all eaten with a full pint or two of water... a sweet treat that keeps me full for a while and bumps up the day's fiber macros.
    This is a great idea! I'm going to try it with almonds and dark chocolate M&Ms.
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 517 Member
    @misscaligreen Gorgeous photos... what are they? I think the first one is zoodles with prawns, the second looks like a tortilla pizza, crab salad on the third?, then some other kind of pizza? Would love to see your recipes!
  • pinksugarbomb
    pinksugarbomb Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, there are some awesome ideas on this thread. I am a high volume eater, but only on the drive-thru diet. These ideas are WAY healthier!
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    Ideabaker wrote: »
    @misscaligreen Gorgeous photos... what are they? I think the first one is zoodles with prawns, the second looks like a tortilla pizza, crab salad on the third?, then some other kind of pizza? Would love to see your recipes!

    The first one is shrimp scampi with zucchinni noodles. It was so delicious! Because i used zucchini instead of pasta I was able to add real butter and fresh Parmesan cheese and still keep the calories down. For the portion shown it was only 250 calories! It was the first time I made it. Next time I would add more zucchini!

    The second pic is a vegetable pizza on a flat out whole wheat wrap. It has 6 servings of vegetables on ONE pizza! mmmm it was awesome.

    The third one is "ceviche" made with imitation crab meat.

    The last pic is buffalo chicken pizza on a whole wheat pita.

    I sent you a message for the first two. If you want the others I can tell you how but I didnt write down a recipe I just made it. I am starting to actually write the recipes now when i make something.
  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    I saw this recipe for baked onion rings. I used the method but not the recipe. Here is what I did....
    1 whole egg whisked and seasoned with cajun seasoning
    1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
    1/8 cup whole wheat flower.
    3 slices of onion and then separate the rings.
    1 bowl of water.

    Dip the rings in water, shake excess water off and put them in a bag with flour. I did this a few rings at a time. Dip flour coated rings into egg and then into panko crumbs. Put on baking sheet sprayed with cooking oil. I gave the onion rings a light spray with the cooking spray before putting them in a 400 degree oven. Bake for 10 min then flip and bake for 5-7 min. or until crispy and browned. They were delicious!!!
    Approx calories 227 but I didn't use all of the egg, flour or bread crumbs.


    Here is the link to the original recipe. http://www.food.com/recipe/simply-the-best-baked-onion-rings-82297
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    High volume eater here. I usually do double veggies and a good 6 oz of protein for dinner, instead of a carb. Lots of zucchini, squash, ground turkey, laughing cow cheese, arnolds lite bread, PB2, 99% chocolate, spinach, popcorn
  • castelluzzo99
    castelluzzo99 Posts: 313 Member
    There is a graphic I saw once showing what a certain number of calories of salad, oil, and something else looked like in a stomach. The oil was a puddle at the bottom, whereas the salad filled the whole stomach! This page gives you an idea of what 200 calories of different foods look like: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2280846/Revealed-What-200-calories-looks-like-different-foods--results-surprising.html

    Anyhow, for what it's worth, when I cut oil out of my diet, I discovered that I cut my calorie count down significantly. I aim for about 15% of calories from fat. I know this is counterintuitive, especially since you can only eat so much protein, but honestly, if you want to eat a lot of bulk and not go over your calorie budget, eating low fat and high (complex!) carb is the way to go.

    For instance, go look at my diary. The 400ish calorie bowl of soup I had today was a huge bowl--like a quart of soup at least--and because I try to work with intermittent fasting, I eat two larger meals instead of 3 smaller ones plus snacks, and I can go 5-7 hours before I get hungry. With my budget of just under 1,400 calories, that gives me a little under 700 per meal. I aim for around 650. That gave me over 200 extra calories, which I filled in with some flatbread (pretty low cal) and a tiny bit of sour cream mixed with sauerkraut (homemade stuff--so tasty!). It was a lot of bulk, but I'm still under my calories for the day. I even had room to eat a serving of dark chocolate chips (30 pieces) for dessert!

    I got the soup recipe from the Happy Herbivore meal plans. You can get them for like $7 a week (and they will save you $$ on groceries unless you are used to making everything from scratch anyway), and if you aren't vegan, you can add a side of cheese or meat to bring you up to whatever your calorie budget is (they are based on 1,200 calories a day, so most people would be over that anyway). I have two cookbooks and I love how easy the recipes are. If you buy the meal plans, they have instructions on how to cook everything up in a couple of hours on the weekend so all you have to do is reheat lunches and most dinners, and most breakfasts are really quick and easy (like 5 min prep if they can't be made ahead).

    And no, I don't work for them. I just love their recipes! And the cool thing is that every recipe I've ever looked for is already in the MFP database, so that saves a ton of time!

    Good luck!