Runners...I have a question



  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    Dianardh wrote: »
    Also, some days just tend to be easier than others. Keep at it and happy running!

    +1 to this.

    If this was a one time thing, just chalk it up to a bad day. If it keeps happening, then look into changing some things up.
  • Charliegottheruns
    Charliegottheruns Posts: 287 Member
    My diet hasn't changed except a little more protein. My routine is as follows...
    Mondays - boot camp - this could contribute as we were doing a lot more legs lately
    Tuesdays - run
    Wed - core
    Thursdays - run
    Fridays - off
    Saturdays - run and weights
    Sundays - off

    I agree it could be in my head but my legs actually were hurting so I am not quite sure about that. I walked it out but was just curious if anyone else had the same thing happen. I am taking today and tomorrow off and will try on Saturday.

    One more question - for those who do longer distances - is there anything that you use for an energy boost the day of the race or anything special after?

    BEETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    Congrats on finishing C25K! If you like the app and the approach there is a C210K app that you can follow it up with that will definitely get you running longer distances. Might be the way you have your weekly schedule configured that is giving you some issues. Sluggish, heavy legs, or sore muscles from lifting is different than pain. My experience says when I get a sharp pain I should stop immediately because I have either already injured myself or I am about to. Run on!
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    My diet hasn't changed except a little more protein. My routine is as follows...
    Mondays - boot camp - this could contribute as we were doing a lot more legs lately
    Tuesdays - run
    Wed - core
    Thursdays - run
    Fridays - off
    Saturdays - run and weights
    Sundays - off

    I agree it could be in my head but my legs actually were hurting so I am not quite sure about that. I walked it out but was just curious if anyone else had the same thing happen. I am taking today and tomorrow off and will try on Saturday.

    One more question - for those who do longer distances - is there anything that you use for an energy boost the day of the race or anything special after?

    BEETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yeah, but don't be scared when everything comes out purple!! Shocked the hell out of me!
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    htimpaired wrote: »
    I just finished couch 2 5k last week. Twice this week I have tried to run 3 miles but I find after 15 minutes or so I have to start walking. I finished the program with no problems. Never had to quit a run. Any suggestions on what might be going I need to just allow my legs and body to rest? My first 5k is April 18th so I am just a little worried. Any helpful info or suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks.

    Only thing I can think of is that while doing C25K you're building up to running 30 minutes straight, but there's no guarantee that you're running 3 miles in that time.

    If you're having a hard time finishing the 3miles, maybe you're running too fast? Slow down and work on your distance, the speed will come eventually.

    Good catch. From the times I've seen posted around here, it seems like most people are running >= 11 minute miles at the end of C25K.

    An additional thought - the end of C25K has not yet gotten you accustomed to running multiple 3 mi distances in a week. Maybe do one 3 mile run, two 2 mile runs in a week, then two 3 milers and one 2 miler, etc?
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    My diet hasn't changed except a little more protein. My routine is as follows...
    Mondays - boot camp - this could contribute as we were doing a lot more legs lately
    Tuesdays - run
    Wed - core
    Thursdays - run
    Fridays - off
    Saturdays - run and weights
    Sundays - off

    I agree it could be in my head but my legs actually were hurting so I am not quite sure about that. I walked it out but was just curious if anyone else had the same thing happen. I am taking today and tomorrow off and will try on Saturday.

    One more question - for those who do longer distances - is there anything that you use for an energy boost the day of the race or anything special after?

    BEETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok this peaked my interest...I love BEETS so this would be there a reason for beets?
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    htimpaired wrote: »
    I just finished couch 2 5k last week. Twice this week I have tried to run 3 miles but I find after 15 minutes or so I have to start walking. I finished the program with no problems. Never had to quit a run. Any suggestions on what might be going I need to just allow my legs and body to rest? My first 5k is April 18th so I am just a little worried. Any helpful info or suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks.

    Only thing I can think of is that while doing C25K you're building up to running 30 minutes straight, but there's no guarantee that you're running 3 miles in that time.

    If you're having a hard time finishing the 3miles, maybe you're running too fast? Slow down and work on your distance, the speed will come eventually.

    Good catch. From the times I've seen posted around here, it seems like most people are running >= 11 minute miles at the end of C25K.

    An additional thought - the end of C25K has not yet gotten you accustomed to running multiple 3 mi distances in a week. Maybe do one 3 mile run, two 2 mile runs in a week, then two 3 milers and one 2 miler, etc?

    I am not up to running the full 3 miles yet and I know that. I run at a very slow pace to make sure I can complete the 30 minute run. I am up to about 2.75. I was just curious if it was me...or my body.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    stealthq wrote: »
    htimpaired wrote: »
    I just finished couch 2 5k last week. Twice this week I have tried to run 3 miles but I find after 15 minutes or so I have to start walking. I finished the program with no problems. Never had to quit a run. Any suggestions on what might be going I need to just allow my legs and body to rest? My first 5k is April 18th so I am just a little worried. Any helpful info or suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks.

    Only thing I can think of is that while doing C25K you're building up to running 30 minutes straight, but there's no guarantee that you're running 3 miles in that time.

    If you're having a hard time finishing the 3miles, maybe you're running too fast? Slow down and work on your distance, the speed will come eventually.

    Good catch. From the times I've seen posted around here, it seems like most people are running >= 11 minute miles at the end of C25K.

    An additional thought - the end of C25K has not yet gotten you accustomed to running multiple 3 mi distances in a week. Maybe do one 3 mile run, two 2 mile runs in a week, then two 3 milers and one 2 miler, etc?

    I am not up to running the full 3 miles yet and I know that. I run at a very slow pace to make sure I can complete the 30 minute run. I am up to about 2.75. I was just curious if it was me...or my body.

    Starting too quickly then?
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    My diet hasn't changed except a little more protein. My routine is as follows...
    Mondays - boot camp - this could contribute as we were doing a lot more legs lately
    Tuesdays - run
    Wed - core
    Thursdays - run
    Fridays - off
    Saturdays - run and weights
    Sundays - off

    I agree it could be in my head but my legs actually were hurting so I am not quite sure about that. I walked it out but was just curious if anyone else had the same thing happen. I am taking today and tomorrow off and will try on Saturday.

    One more question - for those who do longer distances - is there anything that you use for an energy boost the day of the race or anything special after?

    BEETS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok this peaked my interest...I love BEETS so this would be there a reason for beets?

    It's great for cardiovascular health and blood pressure etc. I used to buy Organic beet juice from the supermarket. Your wee and poo etc will turn purple immediately though which is a bit shocking at first (and for me not worth it). It also went straight through me so it often gave me an unsettled tummy. I drank about 1 large glass a day. It's being considered as a "super food" but I'm not sure. Tastes surprisingly good though.
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well I love beets...I have eaten them my whole life. I will be adding more of them to my diet.

    What do you mean by starting too fast? I warm up with a 5 minute walk...then run at the same pace for the full 30 minutes and then a 5 minute cool down.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Well I love beets...I have eaten them my whole life. I will be adding more of them to my diet.

    What do you mean by starting too fast? I warm up with a 5 minute walk...then run at the s

    If you had to walk after 15 minutes them your pace may have been too fast
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    I finished C25K a month ago and I also found the first couple of runs right after finishing were surprisingly tough. It was all mental in my case. Just push push push through and back on track.
  • kjarvo
    kjarvo Posts: 236 Member
    edited April 2015
    You finished the plan to do a 5k ONCE, not 3 times a week. You will be too tired to do that 3 times a week at the moment and you haven't quit a run. Treat it as any other plan and your 5k is your long run, once a week. Your other runs should be shorter than this. You might run 3k easy, 2km quick and 5km as your long run. Then as you get better, increase your 5km in speed or distance.
    I thought the same once I could run 5km. I expected to be able to always run 5km on every run and not get tired. Even now after a long run (I've recently been training a half marathon) I sometimes can't run 2km the next time.
    These plans aren't get to that point of fitness and then always be at that level everyday. They are supposed to have ups and downs post completion. Don't be disheartened.

    Also if you have a 5k race, you want to taper down so you aren't too tired for the actual race. Good luck!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    If you are getting leg pain and you are trying to increase mileage it could be shin splints which are super common. Are the pains along the bone in the front or side of your legs?

    Also, I find that even after a year of running I just hate the first mile of every run. Once I get into mile 2 I get my breath and stride and runners high and feel like I can go forever.

    I was up to 8 miles on my long day and have been sidelined. I've got some thing going on where my right foot is numb all the time. I got a bone scan today to check for stress fractures and am waiting for doctor to tell me the results. Don't push if you have shin splints. This can lead to a stress fracture (or so they keep telling me)

    By the way. Beets in a spinach salad with some goat cheese, walnuts, and orange segments are delicious.
  • 6205db
    6205db Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations on the running! No worries, all runners can attest that there are good days and bad. If you find you're super tired and can't go the distance like you could before, it could be a number of things. For me, I get tired when my iron is low. Ensure you're taking an adequate multi-vitamin daily to keep your iron stores up. What are you eating before the run? When I run in the mornings I'll have a slow release carb such as oatmeal & a banana 2 hours prior. My runs after work are always tougher, I'll eat a granola bar & banana 2 hours before. Anything inside of 2 hours gives me cramps so I try to avoid that. Sometimes it's just hard to run, period. Having a running buddy or joining a running group is a great way to get through your run without counting the minutes. Don't stress if you have to walk... lots of people do it. 3mi = 3mi, no matter how you get there! :)
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    teacton11 wrote: »
    It's all in your head. For reals.

    Yes, probably - it usually is. Mess with your head. Walk for 30 seconds before you're tired. Then, when you're really tired, make yourself go further than your brain is telling you (if you have a regular brain and a running brain, like me). If your brain tells you to stop at that tree, tell it to shut up and go for another three trees. You are in charge. LOL ... and I am a nutcase.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    teacton11 wrote: »
    It's all in your head. For reals.

    Yes, probably - it usually is. Mess with your head. Walk for 30 seconds before you're tired. Then, when you're really tired, make yourself go further than your brain is telling you (if you have a regular brain and a running brain, like me). If your brain tells you to stop at that tree, tell it to shut up and go for another three trees. You are in charge. LOL ... and I am a nutcase.

    I do the same thing with the trees...I'll also convince msyelf there is only like 30 seconds left to the song I'm listening too so surely I can run until it's over. Then if something really good comes on after I'm like, I got this!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    teacton11 wrote: »
    It's all in your head. For reals.

    Yes, probably - it usually is. Mess with your head. Walk for 30 seconds before you're tired. Then, when you're really tired, make yourself go further than your brain is telling you (if you have a regular brain and a running brain, like me). If your brain tells you to stop at that tree, tell it to shut up and go for another three trees. You are in charge. LOL ... and I am a nutcase.

    I do the same thing with the trees...I'll also convince msyelf there is only like 30 seconds left to the song I'm listening too so surely I can run until it's over. Then if something really good comes on after I'm like, I got this!

    Thank you for making me feel a little more normal. xo
  • JenMaselli
    JenMaselli Posts: 83 Member
    You need to slow down. You're going too fast.

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    4leighbee wrote: »
    4leighbee wrote: »
    teacton11 wrote: »
    It's all in your head. For reals.

    Yes, probably - it usually is. Mess with your head. Walk for 30 seconds before you're tired. Then, when you're really tired, make yourself go further than your brain is telling you (if you have a regular brain and a running brain, like me). If your brain tells you to stop at that tree, tell it to shut up and go for another three trees. You are in charge. LOL ... and I am a nutcase.

    I do the same thing with the trees...I'll also convince msyelf there is only like 30 seconds left to the song I'm listening too so surely I can run until it's over. Then if something really good comes on after I'm like, I got this!

    Thank you for making me feel a little more normal. xo

    It's so super normal. Or at least 'normal' as defined by runners, lol. I play all sorts of head games/number games/mental challenges/etc with myself when I run. Pretty sure about 85% of running is purely mental, lol