fitbit friend

santd Posts: 234 Member
Does anyone want a friend that wears a fitbit to do some challenges. All I need is user name and email


  • Yes! I have just ordered one. Should have all my details by next week :smile:
  • ichigo6420
    ichigo6420 Posts: 1 Member
    hey girl hay, I'd love to join you my my username is ichigo6420 and my email is But I don't really use my email so it'd be best to contact me here. :smiley:
  • MsMargie1116
    MsMargie1116 Posts: 323 Member
    I have a FitBit!!! M​a​r​g​i​e W​. is my username, email is
  • Missy022014
    Missy022014 Posts: 86 Member
    I want Fitbit friends!! I think my username is Rachel I. My email is
  • kimberlyanne0522
    kimberlyanne0522 Posts: 38 Member
    I love Fitbit challenges and take part in many! They are a fantastic motivator! Anyone please feel free to add me
  • kimberlyanne0522
    kimberlyanne0522 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm adding everyone that commented on this post
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    I've sent you invites via email.
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    I sent everyone with emails posted invites!! My email is
  • shaefigueroa
    shaefigueroa Posts: 23 Member
    Please add me.
  • 78pegasus
    78pegasus Posts: 4 Member
    Had my Fitbit a week, feel free to add me
  • santd
    santd Posts: 234 Member
    I've invited you all, let the contests begin.
  • Chiema
    Chiema Posts: 13 Member
    Would love challenge anyone!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    In case anyone needs a link to the users group:
  • KHal11715
    KHal11715 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi everyone! I just received my fitbit and I love it! username is knpro88 and email is