Does anyone do protein shakes as a meal replacment?



  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    I know you said shake, but I just have to say that I just discovered Power Bars. The chocolate peanut butter ones are just 210 calories with 20 grams of protein. Those are good.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member

    Im looking into getting one as my lunch replacement. I looked in to shakeology but they are really expensive. Is there any decent ones out there that are not so much money?
    It's hard to accept those prices, but he price is worth a good tasting protein/meal replacement with quality ingredients. Vitamin Shoppe rotates sale prices on various brands, which helps a lot. Garden of Life has really good ones, if you like one that focuses on plant protein and herbs. They taste really good.

    No, it's not worth the price, considering you can make your own for a fraction of the cost.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    And this thread made has now made me decide to get a smoothie for lunch today.

    Om noms.
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    I have my shakes as snacks. Usually before a workout and after. Mainly just to up my protein.
  • LadyWeaselofVT
    LadyWeaselofVT Posts: 77 Member
    I use a protein shake for breakfast. I never feel like eating first thing in the morning so I take one to work for when I'm ready. I don't do anything fancy--- just mix and match vanilla whey with frozen fruit, spinach, cocoa, or nut butter.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    No, I like chewing my food. I will occasionally have a protein shake but not as a meal replacement, more like a snack. I prefer quest bars.
  • kjac1992
    kjac1992 Posts: 16 Member
    I generally have a protein shake for breakfast. Otherwise I don't have breakfast at all. I've found that I stay pretty full until lunch, and my body is used to not having solid food in the morning so the cravings don't kick in until lunch. Depends on how your body functions I guess!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Frequently, I usually have one a day. Mine are pretty bulky, todays consisted of 155 g banana, 65 g spinach, 140 g frozen peaches, a scoop of protein powder and 8 oz soy milk. It was roughly 400 calories, which is a respectable sized meal for my daily calories. I dont have problems of not being full if I am drinking my calories.
    Its tasty, filling, and helps me get my protein in.
  • upgradeddiddy
    upgradeddiddy Posts: 281 Member
    I always have them with either rice cakes or oatmeal but never just by itself. Granted my diet I have to match both my carbs and my protein intake but still I would be starving without some extra carbs on the side
  • Nerdybreisawesome
    Nerdybreisawesome Posts: 359 Member
    I do only because the meds I am on take my appetite away right now so I need to make sure I'm getting enough calories in. I also add fruits and milk to it as well.
  • estherdfoster
    estherdfoster Posts: 127 Member
    I buy "slim fast protein shake mix". The container is a 13oz and makes 14-15 servings of shakes, serving size is one scoop..price is $6.50 and i get mine from Walmart.
  • Babygurl721
    Babygurl721 Posts: 10 Member
    I prefer food personally. But you may want to try a tea from Total Life Changes
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I buy "slim fast protein shake mix". The container is a 13oz and makes 14-15 servings of shakes, serving size is one scoop..price is $6.50 and i get mine from Walmart.

    Holy crap, that's expensive! $6.50 is enough for food for a day (for me)!
  • bkyoun
    bkyoun Posts: 371 Member
    +1 on the Costco Premier Protein shakes. 160 calories, 30g protein, 1g sugar, 3g fiber
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    I buy "slim fast protein shake mix". The container is a 13oz and makes 14-15 servings of shakes, serving size is one scoop..price is $6.50 and i get mine from Walmart.

    Holy crap, that's expensive! $6.50 is enough for food for a day (for me)!

    I think they meant 6.50 for the entire container, so 0.50 cents or so per serving :smile:

    I like the Progressive Vegessential protein / meal replacement powder because it’s got protein, fibre, and a ton of plant stuffs allegedly good for you. I mix it with whey as a post-workout snack, so I don’t see it as a meal.
  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    I buy the packets of Shakeology and keep then on hand in case I don't have anything to prepare for lunch at home to take to work. I agree, they are expensive but if you break it down by cost per day to replace one meal, then it might be worth it to you. When I have a shake in place of lunch it actually costs less for me than grabbing a bite out anywhere else around my work. That's just my personal experience though.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    If I'm meal replacing, which I'm doing more frequently at lunch now because I'm trying to save money/calories, then I drink an Opimum Nutrition Casein shake with half a serving of peanut butter. It works out to around 270 calories, or so, and it keeps me full until after I get back home from the gym after work.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I buy "slim fast protein shake mix". The container is a 13oz and makes 14-15 servings of shakes, serving size is one scoop..price is $6.50 and i get mine from Walmart.

    Holy crap, that's expensive! $6.50 is enough for food for a day (for me)!

    6.50 for a whole container is ridiculous inexpensive considering protein itself is 30 bucks for a gallon tub.

    But being said- I don't find that to be that expensive either- about the cost of milk and doesn't go bad.
  • supplejl
    supplejl Posts: 4 Member
    I use Magnum shakes, as a protein snack mid-morning or post workout. (I eat 5x a day, plus immediately post strength training). I like the taste, it's low in sugar and additives, and not terribly expensive.
    If you prefer to make your own, I use pasteurized egg white (from the carton) for a protein source, add sugar free almond milk(comes in vanilla, plain or chocolate), ice, berries and flax. If you like add half a banana (I don't add bananas as I don't like them).
  • beachlandia
    beachlandia Posts: 45 Member
    I've started having protein shakes for breakfast because I haven't been getting enough protein lately. I make them myself though, I've tried premade ones in the past and I don't really like them.