Devil on my shoulder

What do you tell yourself when you are running to keep yourself going? Right now I can run 2 miles without a problem but getting to the 3rd is hard - not physically but mentally. There is this little devil saying "you can stop now, you've done enough today." I will start by having a goal of 5 miles and won't make it. I have listened to music and talk radio but the little devil is louder. Any suggestions?


  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    What do you tell yourself when you are running to keep yourself going? Right now I can run 2 miles without a problem but getting to the 3rd is hard - not physically but mentally. There is this little devil saying "you can stop now, you've done enough today." I will start by having a goal of 5 miles and won't make it. I have listened to music and talk radio but the little devil is louder. Any suggestions?
  • m_bordeau23
    Take someone to the gym with you as motivation!
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Can't - treadmill at home, but thanks.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    If it is hard to stay motivated, you might just try a shorter goal of say 3 1/2 to 4 miles. It is better for your motivation to be successful at a shorter goal then to tell yourself that you are "failing" at the longer goal. After achieving that, then maybe you can work up to the 5 miles that you are trying for now.

    Also, if it is hard to stay motivated for running, maybe running isn't the thing your body wants to do. Maybe try a really high energy aerobics class, or dance classes. If you are doing what's right for your body, then it will be easier for you to get all of your workout in. Sometimes it is just hard and you have to push through it, but this may be one of those times your body telling you to switch it up.
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    You know what I do is make tiny challenges with myself. I'll say "okay, one more mile is only 4 times around the track" and then I try to make it one time around. That is more than I was going to go originally, so I feel a little success, so I push myself and say, "one more time and it's 1/2 mile!" so I make it and then pretty soon you talk yourself into just going the 2 more times to finish up.

    Does that sound crazy? You can also focus on your music and tell yourself that one mile is really only 2 or 3 songs. I don't know... those are a few of my tricks.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I think you need a carrot. Find a reward that is valuable for when you get to a milestone, you mentioned 5 miles. When I run 5 miles without stopping, I'll get a massage or buy new shoes or ...

    You just don't want it badly enough, so you need to up the ante.
  • amccarville
    i actually try to workout on my eliptical when a tv show is on that i like. i get it in my head that i cant stop until it is over. last night i did this and didnt realize how fast i was going. did 6 miles in 30.15 min.:flowerforyou: good luck
  • Kasey42588
    If you have a favorite piece of clothing that you're struggling to fit into again, hang it up somewhere in front of your treadmill. If you don't, purchase something that is too small for you, and do the same thing. This not only encourages you to try harder for your goal because it's in front of you, but it also encourages you because you went out and spent $ on it, so you work harder to fit into it.

    I do this, I have a picture of myself when I had lost 20 lbs 2 years ago on my fridge. Before I used to just look past it and go grab something fattening. Now, I look at it before I think about taking any bad foods out. It helps.

    Good luck
  • jojo52610
    jojo52610 Posts: 692 Member
    I don't run on a treadmill I run on the roads, I've been running only for 5 months I set mini goals for my self - when I'm tired and I think I can't go any further - I set a goal say OK one extra block and say OK when you get to the corner of the block you can stop ( sound's crazy I know)

    but this has worked for me I started with 1/2 mile run then a mile and now I'm trying for 5

    mini goals and then each time a little bit more and more - until you reach your goal
  • ironweber717
    I have this saying on my refrigerator it reads....


    Remember when you quit, YOU quit. It is regreteful when you do and you realize that you still had enough to do more. I go through the same battle. The battle of your mind telling you to stop because of a thousand reasons, but remember that none of them are good enough and that they are on;y excuses. Set your goal for the day and tell yourself over and over when your mind is tell you to quit that today is not the day.
  • saskia
    saskia Posts: 31
    Start running outdoors, and plan for 3 miles. Running back to your comfy couch should be an incentive to keep going for that additional mile! Good luck.
  • gmpearse
    gmpearse Posts: 136
    Thanks everyone for the advice. There were alot of good ideas. I like the proverbial carrot idea and the small mental goals.

    I would try running outdoors but it is freezing cold outside right now. I plan to be outside running when I won't freeze various body parts. I think it actually might be easier outside because then there will be a visual goal.

    Ironman - thanks. I am going to put that saying right on my treadmill.