
Kasey42588 Posts: 74
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm new to the exercise scene, so I was wondering if you had any cardio tips for me. The areas I want to target are my love handles, stomach, hips, butt, and thighs. Those are the areas where I am the largest. Please tell me how long I should do what for, and how many calories I should be burning. I'm totally new to it, so I have no clue.


  • I'm new to the exercise scene, so I was wondering if you had any cardio tips for me. The areas I want to target are my love handles, stomach, hips, butt, and thighs. Those are the areas where I am the largest. Please tell me how long I should do what for, and how many calories I should be burning. I'm totally new to it, so I have no clue.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    well first off, you cannot spot reduce. Your weight will come off according to how your body wants it to. Doing a million crunches won't burn fat off your stomach; it would just create more muscle there so that when you lose the weight, your muscles are more defined aka flatter stomach.

    Now, with cardio you will be burning excess fat. There's a really good workout called the couch25k. Here is the website: That is, if you would eventually like to build up to running for 30 minutes away, this is a great program to do that. If you're like me and get overwhelmed/unmotivated by pushing yourself too hard and too fast, perhaps do a few weeks of building up your walking pace. I would do it at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

    Good luck!
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    Any cardio will help. No activity "targets" all those areas. When you lose weight, it'll come off of ALL those time.

    Just get active. :smile:

    Because you are new...I suggest...making a goal of 3 days a week for 20 min and then work up to 30 and then 40 and then...add days as you see fit. If you take on too much too soon (being new) you might give up or burn out. So start out small and find out what you like and how much you can handle.

    GOOD LUCK and remember...just be active. If it's walking around the block for 5 it!
  • Well, I want to be able to crunches, but I'm not in shape enough to be able to do them successfully and where it won't hurt my back or body. But I'm more focused on getting the fat off of me first.

    I find that it's REALLY hard to stay within my 1200 calorie-a-day limit. Yesterday was my first day, and I was feeling light headed and got a head ache from it. I know it's my body changing, but is this something I will get used to?

    I hope also that I get stronger as time goes on working out. I have been doing 10 minutes on eliptical, 10 minutes on the bike, and working on legs and arms. Tonight, when I go to the gym I'm going to increase the time.
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Well, I want to be able to crunches, but I'm not in shape enough to be able to do them successfully and where it won't hurt my back or body. But I'm more focused on getting the fat off of me first.

    I find that it's REALLY hard to stay within my 1200 calorie-a-day limit. Yesterday was my first day, and I was feeling light headed and got a head ache from it. I know it's my body changing, but is this something I will get used to?

    I hope also that I get stronger as time goes on working out. I have been doing 10 minutes on eliptical, 10 minutes on the bike, and working on legs and arms. Tonight, when I go to the gym I'm going to increase the time.

    Well remember, the more you exercise, the more calories you "earn" for that day. Burn 500 calories, eat 500 calories above your 1200! Good luck, and just take baby steps! Before you know it, you will be busting out 30-40 min on the eliptical and more!!

  • Well remember, the more you exercise, the more calories you "earn" for that day. Burn 500 calories, eat 500 calories above your 1200! Good luck, and just take baby steps! Before you know it, you will be busting out 30-40 min on the eliptical and more!!

    I also read that you NEED to eat the calories you burn. Also, is it better to eat dinner before you work out, or after.. I'm afraid if I do before I will get sick when I work out.. and if I eat after, I just feel hungry while I'm there and I want all of my concentration on my body and what I'm doing, NOT FOOD. That's why I'm in this mess.
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member

    Well remember, the more you exercise, the more calories you "earn" for that day. Burn 500 calories, eat 500 calories above your 1200! Good luck, and just take baby steps! Before you know it, you will be busting out 30-40 min on the eliptical and more!!

    I also read that you NEED to eat the calories you burn. Also, is it better to eat dinner before you work out, or after.. I'm afraid if I do before I will get sick when I work out.. and if I eat after, I just feel hungry while I'm there and I want all of my concentration on my body and what I'm doing, NOT FOOD. That's why I'm in this mess.

    Well it's fine to eat a little right before exercise, but if you are going to eat a meal you should wait 2-3 hours before you exercise. I'd recommend a high-protein drink before you workout. You also need carbs to fuel your workout, so a handful of high-fiber cereal along with your protein drink should suffice. This won't be too heavy on your stomach, but will give you the carbs for energy and the protein to keep you feeling full.
  • When I first started my weight loss last year, I weighed about 172 lbs and had the same problem areas that you mentioned. I started with one of the Biggest Loser workout videos. That helped me because the people in the video are overweight too, and they breath hard when you do. It's better than watching skinny people work out. I would also get on the elliptical machine for 10 or 20 minutes or use hand weights. Over time, you will build strength and endurance. I can do a lot more now, then when I first started.

    And I know the food thing is hard. I am obsessed with food. I feel like I think about and talk about food a lot! But once you get started you will get used to your calorie limit. And you can actually eat a lot of food with that limit. You just have to eat foods that are high in fiber, like fruits and veggies and whole wheat. These foods with make you feel fuller, and are less calories. It also helps if you try not to drink your calories. Drink more water, crystal light, unsweet tea, etc. Try to avoid cokes, sweet teas, milk shakes, etc. That will help keep you closer to you calorie goal.

    And remember, You Can Do This! And if you slip up, just start again the next day. Try not to feel guilty (I know that's hard too), it only makes you feel worse. Good luck!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • In addition to the cardio, I like to do Pilates. For me it's been the best exercise to tone my stomach, butt, hips and thighs. Maybe once you get strong enough you could look into it. Most of the moves are challenging at first but it's such a great feeling when they become easy! Just something to think about... I know there are loads of things out there to choose from!
  • In addition to the cardio, I like to do Pilates. For me it's been the best exercise to tone my stomach, butt, hips and thighs. Maybe once you get strong enough you could look into it. Most of the moves are challenging at first but it's such a great feeling when they become easy! Just something to think about... I know there are loads of things out there to choose from!

    There is NO way I can do pilates at this point in time, I've tried.. I am not flexible enough and can't even touch my toes.. never have been able to.
  • saskia
    saskia Posts: 31
    @ Kasey: you don't have to be flexible for pilates, it really can be done at all levels if you find a good beginners class or DVD. Just do the exercises you can. As for food: have some yoghurt or a banana 45 minutes before cardio and you should be fine I think.
  • Chellekk
    Chellekk Posts: 421 Member
    I'm in pretty good shape and I can't do pilates either. It's totally fine. can still do the 45 min DVD (or however long it is) and just not hold the poses as long or modify the poses they show to make them easier. It's OK if you can't do it at first or even in a few months...but trying IS a work out and will help you build up for later. :smile:
  • PrettyOscar
    PrettyOscar Posts: 31 Member
    Something else I've noticed that helps is a positive attitude. If you don't think you can do something then you can't. Go in to it with a positive attitude and the mind set that it may take a couple tries to accomplish it. :happy:
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