Fitbit users?

So... Long story short... Newly single mom of 4 kids, just left abusive alcoholic spouse, trying to rebuild our lives.

Currently 300 lbs, my 9 year old is 150, and my 7 year old is 100. Decided we needed to make a changed. Cooking at home, healthier choices, portion control. Taking walks after dinner, buying a bike and a burley trailer to ride when the weather gets nicer.

Just got a fit bit through my job, looking for friends or others who have used them. They seem pretty straight up. Or any friends on here period. I don't get out much :)


  • runner_girl83
    runner_girl83 Posts: 553 Member
    Just want to say good on you for taking the leap! You can add me on Fitbit if you like. My user ID is // :) I like doing little challenges here and there, not so much to compete but I find I am more active when I see how many steps others are doing :)
  • Jhearn2011
    Jhearn2011 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck to you! Here is my fitbit user ID
  • NicoleMartinelli8
    NicoleMartinelli8 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello! I'm Nicole! Welcome to the club!
  • irishdruidmama
    irishdruidmama Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I just started my journey too--using a Fitbit and MFP. You can friend me if you like!