Insanity workout

Hi, I've had the insanity workout for a couple years, and i've started it without completing it a couple of times!

I'm beginning it tomorrow, with the goal in mind to finish the full program.

If anyone else has the insanity program, yet never gets going with it, let's keep each other motivated!


  • Peggy69
    Peggy69 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm on Day 6 today!! It's sooo hard, but I have to say that I think I might love it (in a sadistic kind of way). Getting some knee and ankle supports today, as they're a tiny bit creaky with all the jumping. Lost 2.2 lbs, so not a bad start.....aiming to lose a stone over the whole programme
  • hellee00
    hellee00 Posts: 1 Member
    hi! I'm on day 2 and really want to stick with it this time around. I'm researching modified moves to help me keep up with Shaun. I'm also following the Fast Metabolism Diet as my nutrition for the 60 days.
    Good luck! Let's keep each other going!
  • chilenitax
    chilenitax Posts: 31 Member
    I'm not working on insanity, but i will be going for a second round of 21 day fix starting on monday 13 :) wanting to lose 50lbs but doing it slowly and steady :)
  • mistydm76
    mistydm76 Posts: 35 Member
    I just borrowed the dvds am starting today!