In for the long haul

lieselmcgregor Posts: 4 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
I'm embarking in the big long journey. It's daunting, like a mountain that seems too big to climb. I have 25 kg to loose not something that can be done over night.

I'm in for a long haul.

I have struggled with weight most of my life and like most have yo-yo'd all throughout my adult life. 2 years ago I was at my fittest I had hiked in the Himalayan mountains and felt good about myself, I was happy. Now I only look back on those photos with disgust and regret, how did I let myself back to the trail of destruction, of allowing daily frustrations turn into food dependence? I put all of the weight I had lost plus some more.

So I'm looking for some comrades, some worthy warriors to walk into battle. Just to chat, to celebrate and to be there on the tough stretches.


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    It is a long haul...I know for me it is a lifelong journey. While sometimes I hate it, hate that I always have to be aware of what I'm eating and managing it or it will all come back, other times I can pause and be thankful that it is my biggest worry. Others have much bigger issues than excess weight.

    Break it down and celebrate each milestone...1 kg at a time! You've done it before, you know you can do it again! I am 50, was at my all time adult low 3 years ago and somehow 30 lbs crept back I'm down 21 and only 9 to my low weight (which is still overweight). I'm looking forward to seeing where I can go from there!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Very familiar stories here, gals....I much the same. 30lbs in 3 years from the best shape I had been in for years.........and I still don't know how I did it, darn it!!

    But, yup, it the long haul 'cos it sure ain't going to happen overnight........
    Best of luck to us all! We can do this.......!
  • lieselmcgregor
    lieselmcgregor Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks ladies it's nice to feel like you're not alone.
    A really good point by Suruda, that if this is my biggest worry in life, life ain't that bad.
    I've done quite a bit of traveling in 3rd world countries and it is interesting to see how other cultures focus on food. Something to remember when feeling gluttonous.
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    Oh, I feel this! I was working through some goal setting and it's beyond frustrating to see that the goals are the same year in and year out. I thought I conquered this once and for all a year and a half ago, but it slowly slipt away. I keep trying to start over but it's hard to recapture the long term motivation. I just try to make positive habits and embrace that quitting completely isn't an option.
  • kickingpounds
    kickingpounds Posts: 42 Member
    YES! This!!!

    TBH one of my goals has been (for three years) to hike up a mountain. I live in Colorado, home of the 14'ers. So why the hell have I not hiked to the top of one -.-

    I have been doing small goals. Like "Meet my water goal" or "get 10,000 steps today" slowly but surely those wont be things I need to focus on and I can go to bigger and better goals.
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    You can totally do this.. and I think "the long haul" is the only way to do it. I have been on this journey to become the ME I always wanted to be.. for about 2.5 years. 50 lbs lost and 9 to go to get to my ultimate goal. I feel better about me and about life. Every day isnt sunshine and roses and I have set backs but all in all.. the days are so much better once I put myself and my health as a top priority!

    YOU GOT THIS!!!!!!
