Back and looking for friends to shift the last 60lbs!


I'm back - I've used MFP before and lost 35lbs, then I got comfortable, left MFP and yo yo-d up and down, now I'm back to my lowest weight, but I've still got 57.5lbs to go to get to my goal weight.

I use to religiously logged before, and it was successful - but I think the real reason for my success was the great support network around me in the form of 'friends' on here. In a moment of madness I deleted all my friends on here, and now I'm back and friendless on here.

I'm going back to my old ways, religiously logging and exercising my way to a leaner, healthier and fitter me!

So if you want support and willing to help provide support but just cheering each other on - please feel free to add me :).

I'm looking forward to reaching my goal weight!




  • DonnaBee35
    Hi there Mandy, I did the same as you! I lost 35lbs about a year ago, maintained thank goodness, now back on track, head focussed & have 50lbs to lose. Good luck & keep going
  • healthyane
    Hey Mandy and Donna! I also have a similar story, lost a bunch of weigh, happily kept it off for a long time, but sadly illness got to me and I was at my heaviest by the time I noticed. I've been slowly working it off for a couple of months now, but I'd love to, as you said, have a support network on here :blush: I know have almost 30kg (I believe around 60lbs?) to lose, and am determined to do so! Good luck on your journeys! Ane xx

  • SusanKing1981
    SusanKing1981 Posts: 257 Member
    Hi there Mandy, I'm the same, I lost 51lb in 2010, went from 220lbs to 169lbs.

    In June last year I was back up to 207lbs, I'm now 170lbs and 45lbs away from my goal.
  • Tilly002
    Tilly002 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello Mandy, I think we have all been the same boat, I am trying to lose the 10 kilos that I put back on but just heard about MFP so joined and I have lost 5 of the 10k,then I will have to start on the 14k that I should have been losing. So lets do it together.
  • loserwinner140
    loserwinner140 Posts: 6 Member
    Same situation ... lost a lot of weight, maintained for a few years, gained most of it back ... repeat!

    I've been on MFP for just over a month ... down 17# so far. Writing everything down has really helped A LOT!

    Please feel free to add me!
  • DancingThroughFire
    DancingThroughFire Posts: 10 Member
    I too am in the same boat I was runs4cupcakes before I lost 30-40 pounds deleted MFP lost touch with friends and got very sick gained back the weight and then some. looking to restart my joinery and gain some support along the way.