Non-Surgical Medical Weight Loss Programs

Community, I would like to know your experience or thoughts about non-surgical medical weight loss programs.

I just started my weight loss journey, after years of eating unhealthy foods and not exercising. I have a long way to go, but I am taking it one day at a time.....This is day three, so far so good!

Everyone stay blessed and encouraged.


  • franyee13
    franyee13 Posts: 12 Member
    How are you doing so far on your program?
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    One day at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time...that's the only way to get started. Seeing results is a great motivator. I have not explored non surgical medical weight loss programs so I'm not sure exactly what you are referring to. In my past I have done all sorts of weight loss programs where you had to go to a "clinic" and weigh in, pick up food, supplements, etc. I think most programs work well, if you follow them. Calories in, calories out and tracking on MFP is working well for me this time around and feels like it will be easy to sustain. If you have never tried losing weight before, starting off with some medical supervision would be a good thing if they spend time helping you understand nutrition so you know the right foods to eat to fuel your body!

    Good luck, I wish you much success on your journey!
  • JulieEllul
    JulieEllul Posts: 50 Member
    Hello! I'm currently on a non-surgical medical weight loss plan. It is called PSMF protein sparing modified fast through the Cleveland Clinic. I am supervised by a dr and nutritionist with very strict diet plan. It is tough and very limiting but my dr is supporting fast, positive results. This diet is not for just anyone and requires medical supervision. I have 110-120 lbs to lose and chose this option with my dr. Before my visit I had never heard of this option and my dr also wanted me to consult with bariatric but I do not want to surgically alter my body. I've had ups and downs with weight my whole life and want to finally get control back, for me, this is the way to go. If possible consult with your dr or a nutritionist because there are other ways to go as well. Please feel free to ask me Q's or add me!
  • Caroljcap
    Hi Tashiam8! I have about 200 pounds to lose. I've lost 30 and am down to 349.8 - I'll take that .2 that gets me below 350, it's been a while. I found out I need new knees, so that's a motivating factor, and just had a bone scan that shows some osteoporosis and some osteopenia, which is weakened bones, but not to the extent of osteoporosis. I'm working on all that now, but I know weight loss is going to be important to my well-being going forward. I said as much to my doctor. He agreed and referred me to a bariatric clinic that was within 100 miles of my home, and I went - not for surgery, but for their other options, which were either a low calorie plan or a very low calorie plan. Both used meal replacement products. The low calorie option was replacements for 2 meals and one "real" meal. The very low calorie option, which is the one I chose, was for meal replacements only. The replacements consisted of shakes, puddings, soups, chili and sloppy joe facsimilies, and protein bars. While I lost the projected 2 pounds per day on the diet (800 calorie/50 carb) I developed an allergy to something in it that made my lips and face get numb and the roof of my mouth to burn. When I told them at the clinic about my reaction, they agreed that I should quit taking it, but I could not be in their program if I could not take their product, and it was all they offered. I'd lost 26 lbs, and I was crushed.

    After the initial depression - I gave myself about 2 hours to rail and be depressed - I got online and started researching high-protein/low carb diets. After some trial and error I've come up with a meal plan that my doctor approves (I'll be going in for monthly blood work) and is 800-calories/30 or so net carbs. That puts my body into ketosis, which means it starts burning fat instead of ingested carbs. I make sure I eat 99-percent whole foods with as much fiber as I can get without going over on carbs. I have a fiber supplement at the ready, but haven't needed it. I feel good, don't feel deprived (often or much) and I'm losing again. I'm now down 30.4 pounds.

    I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.
  • Verdenal
    Verdenal Posts: 625 Member
    JulieEllul wrote: »
    Hello! I'm currently on a non-surgical medical weight loss plan. It is called PSMF protein sparing modified fast through the Cleveland Clinic. I am supervised by a dr and nutritionist with very strict diet plan. It is tough and very limiting but my dr is supporting fast, positive results. This diet is not for just anyone and requires medical supervision. I have 110-120 lbs to lose and chose this option with my dr. Before my visit I had never heard of this option and my dr also wanted me to consult with bariatric but I do not want to surgically alter my body. I've had ups and downs with weight my whole life and want to finally get control back, for me, this is the way to go. If possible consult with your dr or a nutritionist because there are other ways to go as well. Please feel free to ask me Q's or add me!

    I'm doing a very short-term version without medical supervision. I'm not medically overweight, but my body fat is at an historic high and a PSMF is the best way to target fat. I find very streamlined diets easier to to follow and they work as a good jump start towards better eating.

    I would like to do supervised plan but even when I have an insurance I doubt that I could get coverage.
  • Loleylooboo
    Loleylooboo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, i'm new to this site and am just starting on a PSMF. I would love to find others on this as well, since it doesn't seem very common. I am somewhat nervous to start on it just because i keep hearing such negative things. I am being medically monitored by my doctors and also going to meetings the hospital has you attend every other week (its almost like a weight watchers meeting) it's to weigh in and talk more about the emotional side of everything. My PSMF is to only last 6 months. 3 of those months is the fast itself and then the other 3 months is reintroducing small amounts of fats and carbs back into my diet. Then, of course, maintaining that is the goal. If anyone is also on this and could just update every so often, i'd really appreciate it. My husband is going to do this with me for the most part(as he is not being medically supervised, i dont want him to do as much as i am just to be on the safe side) So it'd be nice to have someone else to discuss things with. Thanks and good luck to everyone! :smile:
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Hi everyone! I just had my screening visit for a research study they are doing at a local teaching hospital. It is for a non surgical weight loss device called the Transpyloric Shuttle. It helps keep you feeling fuller longer. The previous study was done in Australia for 6 months. This one will be for a year. Next, I will have my baseline visit and then the procedure. It is inserted by endoscopy and removed the same. The diet immediately after seems similar to post bariatric surgery patients. 3 days of liquid then soft foods and then back to normal foods. They haven't told me yet what type of food plan would be required after. I have a 2 out of 3 chance of getting the device. I'm hoping that regardless if I get it or not I will be able to re-teach my body what comfortable full feels like. I think that I lost that sensation somewhere down the road and I feel like if I can get that back I can be successful in losing weight.
  • serrano2886
    serrano2886 Posts: 45 Member
    tashiam08 wrote: »
    Community, I would like to know your experience or thoughts about non-surgical medical weight loss programs.

    I just started my weight loss journey, after years of eating unhealthy foods and not exercising. I have a long way to go, but I am taking it one day at a time.....This is day three, so far so good!

    Everyone stay blessed and encouraged.

    I've tried medical weight loss programs and although effective, I always found them pretty pricey and hard to stick to because of the food restrictions. I'm now doing the Ketogenic diet because it satisfies a lot of my favorite foods, and I find it easier to stick to. That's my personal experience. I also know a couple of close friends that were extremely successful and were able to maintain the weight off...Whatever you decide to do, just stick with it!!!!! Let's melt those pounds away!!
  • curioumz
    curioumz Posts: 3 Member
    Caroljcap wrote: »
    Hi Tashiam8! I have about 200 pounds to lose. I've lost 30 and am down to 349.8 - I'll take that .2 that gets me below 350, it's been a while. I found out I need new knees, so that's a motivating factor, and just had a bone scan that shows some osteoporosis and some osteopenia, which is weakened bones, but not to the extent of osteoporosis. I'm working on all that now, but I know weight loss is going to be important to my well-being going forward. I said as much to my doctor. He agreed and referred me to a bariatric clinic that was within 100 miles of my home, and I went - not for surgery, but for their other options, which were either a low calorie plan or a very low calorie plan. Both used meal replacement products. The low calorie option was replacements for 2 meals and one "real" meal. The very low calorie option, which is the one I chose, was for meal replacements only. The replacements consisted of shakes, puddings, soups, chili and sloppy joe facsimilies, and protein bars. While I lost the projected 2 pounds per day on the diet (800 calorie/50 carb) I developed an allergy to something in it that made my lips and face get numb and the roof of my mouth to burn. When I told them at the clinic about my reaction, they agreed that I should quit taking it, but I could not be in their program if I could not take their product, and it was all they offered. I'd lost 26 lbs, and I was crushed.

    After the initial depression - I gave myself about 2 hours to rail and be depressed - I got online and started researching high-protein/low carb diets. After some trial and error I've come up with a meal plan that my doctor approves (I'll be going in for monthly blood work) and is 800-calories/30 or so net carbs. That puts my body into ketosis, which means it starts burning fat instead of ingested carbs. I make sure I eat 99-percent whole foods with as much fiber as I can get without going over on carbs. I have a fiber supplement at the ready, but haven't needed it. I feel good, don't feel deprived (often or much) and I'm losing again. I'm now down 30.4 pounds.

    I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.

    I would love to hear some of your meals! I only have 37 lbs I'm shooting for right now as a first goal,. Should then go for 20 more.. BUT,. I have a daughter your size,. I want to encourage her so bad!!!