increase water intake

I'm more of a soda drinker than a water drinker. Had cut down on my soda drinking down to 2-4 12 oz cans or 2-4 16oz bottles from 5-6 12oz cans or 5-6 16oz bottles. I am up to 4 cups of water most days. Some days more than that not by much. What can I do to drink more water. What can I put in my water so I can drink it faster. Other then the propel singles or lemon.


  • theston412
    theston412 Posts: 47 Member
    When I was pregnant, I was severely dehydrated. The doctor told me to drink more water, and I basically told him the same thing you just said. He told me to add Crystal Light to my water. Worked like a charm.

    Do you drink coffee or like tea? Although too much tea can cause kidney stones (I think that's a caffeine thing, but I might be mistaken), if you pair it with regular water, you should be fine. Really, it's all about finding what works for you.
  • kimmaltsev
    kimmaltsev Posts: 57 Member
    I do drink hot tea and tea coolers. Had cut back on the tea coolers due to sugar content mostly and calories
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I was looking for ways to cut out artificial sweeteners last year because I was trying to determine if they were causing some health problems. Turns out they weren't the culprit, afterall.... Anyway, while I was trying new things I found TrueCitrus. Under the brands TrueLemon, TrueLime, etc. they make little packets (about the size of a packet of sugar or Splenda) of crystalized citrus fruits. There's lemon, lime, orange and grapefruit. A packet of that in water is like adding a wedge of fruit but you don't have to carry the fruit around with you. I keep a few packets in my purse and my desk drawer at work.

    The same company makes powdered drink sticks in different flavor combinations. My absolute favorite is the black cherry lime but there's also lemonade, limeade and raspberry lemonade. They are 10 calories and no artificial sweeteners and are perfect for getting me to drink more water during the day. I buy them at the local Walmart grocery store and other grocery stores carry them, too. You can find them in the same place as Crystal Light and for about the same price.
  • pjischaos
    pjischaos Posts: 11 Member
    As a former Mountain Dew addict (8+ cans a day) I feel ya on this one. I first started cutting out the Dew by switching to Diet Dew. Then found the singles to go aisle at the grocery store and was hooked on water that way. My faves are the Orange Crush, Jolly Rancher Green Apple & Cherry. These are only a buck a box to boot! I do like the Hawaiian Punch flavors too.
    I will drink a Diet Dew on occasion but just really don't have the craving for them anymore after switching. Never woulda thought I could kick pop, but I did. So can you!
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited April 2015
    Pour your sodas in a glass and add lots of ice cubes. Drink it slowly enough so that the ice cubes melt at least part way and you are getting water with your soda.

    Also, you could make a rule for yourself that you drink a glass of water before you open a soda.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    edited April 2015
    As a former Diet Coke Addict, I feel your pain... I would literally drink 3-4 big gulps during the work day. Coming off of that was truly like a drug... I was cranky, shaky and all around bitter party of ME! ;) My doctor told me that I should drink 1/2 my weight in ounce (water) daily... WHAT??? NO WAY! Well I pushed myself and made myself drink the water... I occasionally put lime/mint/lemon in there for flavor but as I got use to drinking (and peeing) 128oz ever day it seemed that I craved the water, I found myself really thirsty all the time so I stopped with the adding of something and drink water right from the bubbler... 64oz in the morning before lunch and 64oz after lunch before i leave work. It is soo routine now it's habit. I am happy to say that now and then when I actually do have a diet coke, I don't even like the taste anymore it just taste like chemicals now????? Oh and the side affects to drinking water... my skin looks great, I no longer have psoriasis patches on my elbows and I am never hungry!!! You can do anything you set your mind too... the benefits so outweigh the aches and pains of water intake!!! good luck!
  • kimmaltsev
    kimmaltsev Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks I'm sure these Will definitely do some work for me one way or another. I used to drink a *kitten* load more than what I had mentioned above it took about 2 years to get down to what I drink now a day. Still working on cutting back even more on the regular and more. Of the diets
  • rkap730
    rkap730 Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried drinking it more room temp than icy cold? I find that it's much easier to get down that way. Also, adding things like Crystal Light or other flavors (tons of squeezable ones these days with no calories) can help, even just a little for a hint of flavor. Also, a fruit infusion pitcher or cup. You put fruit in the center and it flavors your water naturally. So good!
  • kimmaltsev
    kimmaltsev Posts: 57 Member
    I have been drinking it more on the room temperature with one ice cube