Need Mommy Friends

Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
Hey there.
I am a Stay at home mom of a 6 year old and 21 month old.
I would LOVE some other stay at home moms who are struggling as well. We can motivate one another and maybe share "kid friendly" healthy meals.

please send me an add. :)


  • StevyGolden
    StevyGolden Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I am a stay at home mom of a 17month old and new to this program, not sure yet on how to work the exercise journal but loving the calorie tracker already now trying to expand all the perks on this site and make some friends. I am not sure how to add you or send you a request so just responding to your post :)
  • crystal24dawn2015
    crystal24dawn2015 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm a SAHM too I have a 16month old and 2 school aged kiddos... Let's get skinny!!! Lol... I'd love to have and five lots of motivation!