Just turned 42, and need to lose 15…

Pounds, that is, unless someone knows of a good way to lose 15 years. I'm trying to maintain a sense of humor about this, but I need to see some real results to stay motivated. Tried this last year and gained 5 pounds. I think I need some friends and encouragement to keep me on track.


  • Whatever you eat is turned into glucose, now you have the normal energy needs of your bodily function such as cell repair etc so if you consume a lot of kcal and your not doing activties that are going to use a lot of that glucose energy then the body turns it into fat and stores it. if your going by the daily recommended allowance for a woman i would ignore it and drop it to 1500kcal. The best way to utilise energy is running which speeds up your metabolic rate (that determines how fast energy is used). To me the average woman does not need 2000kcal because the avergae woman does not do enough activites that reguire a substantial use of 2000kcal.
  • Welcome and good luck!
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    Let's just give this another try shall we. I think we can turn that result around.
  • Oldbitcollector
    Oldbitcollector Posts: 229 Member
    I just lost 12lbs in the last month.. If I can do this... ANYONE can do this.. MFP works.
    Welcome to the group! YOU CAN DO THIS.
  • DrPepperGal1
    DrPepperGal1 Posts: 1 Member
    My favorite was where you asked for a drop in 15 years. I am with you, as long as we get to keep the wisdom. I am on the 15-pound-losing diet, too. I just started this. Again. And I am rooting for you!!!
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    Welcome and good luck. Support and friends here are great and really help too motivate and inspire!!!!
  • Hi I lost 7 pounds is 11 days. No carbs and lots of salad, vegetables and some meat.