Breastfeeding mother: help needed please

Hi. I'm a mother of three and I am currently still breastfeeding my five month old daughter. I am finding it hard to not over snack because while I am breastfeeding I have found I'm constantly hungry. Any other breastfeeding moms or nutritionists have any tips to help me stay within my 1600-1800 calories a day?


  • kats5225
    kats5225 Posts: 9 Member
    For me I have to stay busy and I drink water all the time and I eat every 3 hours. I eat snacks that are low calories like frozen grapes or frozen pineapples. For some reason I find frozen fruit more filling. It maybe a mental thing. But I am about to have another baby and I already met with my doctor about diet and I am doing 1500 calories and eating every three hours. Hope this helps you can add me if you like. Good luck!! :)
  • mszulborska
    mszulborska Posts: 12 Member
    I feeding 2 mounts old boy 1,200cal monday to Friday 1,500 weekend and 3-4 l water every day.
  • lconthemove
    lconthemove Posts: 1 Member
    Check out the site
    She has info about weight loss and breastfeeding.