APRIL 2015 - MOVE Challenge



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Would love everyone too reach at least 100 miles in at least ONE particular exercise BUT it is not necessary. You can still combine them ....


    01 Wed - 3.7 km walking
    02 Thurs - 1.8 km walking
    03 Fri - 8.5 km walking + 40.52 km cycling
    04 Sat - 3.8 km walking + 35.23 km cycling
    05 Sun - 0 km walking + 40.11 km cycling
    06 Mon - 2.4 km walking
    07 Tues - 1.5 km walking
    08 Wed -

    Sub-total: 21.7 km walking (13.5 miles) + 115.86 km cycling (72 miles)

    Our long, long Easter holiday gave my husband and me the chance to cycle in old familiar territory ... where we used to live. :) Miss that place!! And down here, the leaves are turned colour but there is still a lingering warmth. It's autumn. :)

    08 Wed - 7.14 km walking
    09 Thurs - 5.4 km walking
    10 Fri -

    Sub-total: 34.24 km walking (21.3 miles) + 115.86 km cycling (72 miles)

    Back to chilly Tasmania. Seems like winter has already started here.

  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    Elliptical 3.8 miles today
  • Rigi8
    Rigi8 Posts: 128 Member
    My thoughts are with you Steve.

    It's been a slow start for me, but I think I am not trailing too much and should be able to reach target by the end of April - there's still time left.

    As of Thursday 9 April I have added another 9.16 miles.

    Love reading all your posts - helps with the motivation.


  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Goooooooooooooood Morning group :) Yes we're Up and moving! :)

    Ok Machka! Winter...really? Do I feel a cold breeze in here? BRRRRRRRR
    QUICK SHUT THE DOOR! lol...ok ok I'm being a little >:) It was 82F degrees here yesterday BUT that IS abnormal for us. Usually we are in the upper sixties too mid seventies..I am so ready. I am NOT a winter person. I was tired of Winter when Fall Started in late Oct last year...lol...

    Anxious too see everyones progress today..... Ok her we go...MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Goooooooooooooood Morning group :) Yes we're Up and moving! :)

    Ok Machka! Winter...really? Do I feel a cold breeze in here? BRRRRRRRR
    QUICK SHUT THE DOOR! lol...ok ok I'm being a little >:) It was 82F degrees here yesterday BUT that IS abnormal for us. Usually we are in the upper sixties too mid seventies..I am so ready. I am NOT a winter person. I was tired of Winter when Fall Started in late Oct last year...lol...

    Anxious too see everyones progress today..... Ok her we go...MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

    Yeah winter. :( Autumn officially started March 1 ... winter officially starts June 1. But the temperatures are dropping and most of the leaves have changed on the non-native, non-evergreen trees, and are busy dropping everywhere.

    And we didn't have a summer this year. Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. Maybe winter will be nicer than summer!! :lol:

    I'm also starting to think about going to bed. :grin: I've been moving all day ... and it's 10:45 pm now. Tired!!

  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterday: 6.41 Miles
    April Total: 59.29 Miles

  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Howdy guys!!! Did somebody say "Friday!" Oh, that was meeeee!!! And not just any Friday. A Spring Friday!! Yep, it's a balmy 73 degrees this morning. I'm with Jeannie, "Sayonara, Old Man Winter! Hello Spring!" Machka9, I'm fully committed to enjoying Spring enough for the both of us. o:) My gift to you. Ha!

    Let's get our groove on for the weekend!

    33.09 total miles

    (Yeah I ditched the ticker...)
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    Spring!!! What's that....still 45 here in the North East. I think ole man winter likes us to much here in the east.
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
    Hello everyone. Lazy day today, so only go in a mile of walking.

    20 miles done, 80 to go.
  • _QueenE_
    _QueenE_ Posts: 459 Member
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    Funny...you guys are so FUNNY. I always find smiles here along with the grumbling...lol
    I guess we all have our moments of not liking our weather....
    The year we visited Australia we went in November. I loved it! <3

    45 degrees jahmanry? BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. I live on a mountain. At least it is 74 degrees up here...lol

    Rain though...rain. Yep we had too have some rain. NO WALKING today. Exercise Bike it is UNLESS by some miracle it dries up late evening.

    TOTAL thus far APRIL 10th walking miles is 30 Miles.....
    Exercise Bike today 9.6 miles so that brings my total too 19.2 Exercise Bike miles...

  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    yayyyyyyyyyyyyy the rain stopped. 3 hours later the wind had dried the road enough 2 walk my girls. We got in 1.75 walking miles....

    TOTAL thus far APRIL 10th walking miles is 31.5 Miles.....
    Exercise Bike today 9.6 miles so that brings my total too 19.2 Exercise Bike miles

  • marciaj10
    marciaj10 Posts: 40 Member
    Walk 3.7mile today
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    Walked 2 miles today. Yea!
  • rosannabanana1
    rosannabanana1 Posts: 2
    edited April 2015
    I just joined but I will give it a try!
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    WELME roannabanana :) MOVE that's all we ask. You can mile it any way you like. IF you want too set a personal goal than go for it. MINE is 110 miles. Some of us make it and some of us do not...IT IS THAT WE GIVE IT OUR BEST TRY....I JUST BET YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    jeanniewes wrote: »
    Would love everyone too reach at least 100 miles in at least ONE particular exercise BUT it is not necessary. You can still combine them ....


    01 Wed - 3.7 km walking
    02 Thurs - 1.8 km walking
    03 Fri - 8.5 km walking + 40.52 km cycling
    04 Sat - 3.8 km walking + 35.23 km cycling
    05 Sun - 0 km walking + 40.11 km cycling
    06 Mon - 2.4 km walking
    07 Tues - 1.5 km walking
    08 Wed -

    Sub-total: 21.7 km walking (13.5 miles) + 115.86 km cycling (72 miles)

    Our long, long Easter holiday gave my husband and me the chance to cycle in old familiar territory ... where we used to live. :) Miss that place!! And down here, the leaves are turned colour but there is still a lingering warmth. It's autumn. :)

    08 Wed - 7.14 km walking
    09 Thurs - 5.4 km walking
    10 Fri -

    Sub-total: 34.24 km walking (21.3 miles) + 115.86 km cycling (72 miles)

    Back to chilly Tasmania. Seems like winter has already started here.

    10 Fri - 5 km walking
    11 Sat - 82.67 km cycling :grin:

    Sub-total: 39.24 km walking (24.4 miles) + 198.53 km cycling (123 miles)

    Overcast, a bit windy with a high today reaching a chilly 15C (that's 60F or somewhere around there I think).
  • ASN2615
    ASN2615 Posts: 50 Member
    Yesterday: 9.14 Miles
    April Total: 68.43 Miles
  • jeanniewes
    jeanniewes Posts: 3,794 Member
    busy busy busy....PRAISE GOD FOR SUNSHINE...... <3

    Girlies and I got in an early morning walk...................2.78 Miles...(I will count 2.75)
    Yard work walking, raking, carrying items etc............2..25 Miles....

    TOTAL thus far APRIL 11th walking miles is 36.5 Miles.....
    Exercise Bike today 9.6 miles brings my total too 19.2 Exercise Bike miles...