
Just wondering about TDEE. I understand the figures that MFP use and that if you eat at a 500 calorie deficit you will loose 1lb a week (according to my personal stats)

I was a vet nurse and I ran the weight loss clinic. With animals we feed them for the amount for their IDEAL body weight.

So, if I find out what the TDEE is for a 10st person is (1599) and I eat that amount, will eventually get down to 10st. Would that work?

Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly happy on my 1440, (I'm 11 st /11st 2 now) I'm just thinking out loud.


  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
  • amylee280
    amylee280 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm not sure - I'm 10st 11lb and i have 1300 on a rest day and 1600 on a training day - It's my first week so it's trail and error for me! But when I was 9 st 7lb i was having roughly the same amount...
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited April 2015
    Yes eating at maintenance for your goal weight is a valid way of dieting.
    Your rate of weight loss will naturally taper off the closer you get to goal which is ideal.

    Needs patience of course, as you close in on goal weight your deficit will be tiny. The bonus is there's no transition to maintenance.

    But it does depend on accurate estimation of what your goal TDEE will be.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    sijomial wrote: »
    Yes eating at maintenance for your goal weight is a valid way of dieting.
    Your rate of weight loss will naturally taper off the closer you get to goal which is ideal.

    Needs patience of course, as you close in on goal weight your deficit will be tiny. The bonus is there's no transition to maintenance.

    But it does depend on accurate estimation of what your goal TDEE will be.

    Do you know of an accurate tdee calculator?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited April 2015
    In truth the only calculator is your own numbers from your food intake and weight loss history but that only works for your current weight and activity. All the rest are estimators not calculators. Might be worth trying a variety and taking a middle or average value.

    By the way, Lou Schuler and Alan Aragon's book (The Lean Muscle Diet) works on the principle of eating and training for your goal weight and physique. Interesting read even though I'm reading after I got to maintenance!
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I'm 5ft 4 and aiming for 9.5 stone (133lbs)

    I've just been on IIFYM. they offer 3 options.
    Mifflin St Jeor gave me 1718
    Harris Benedict gave me 1839
    Katch McKardle gave me 1855

    The average is 1804.

    MFP gives me 1380 to loose 1lb a week. (it goes up to 1620 when I am under 11 stone and change it to 0.5 a week)

    I'm happy with the losses I'm having and when I don't loose how I would like I always know why (alcohol on a Friday night! I didnt drink for 2 weeks and lost consistently).

    I know I would find eating 1804 easier but that's not what its about is it?!