New motivation needed

I'm Harriet. I was last on MFP 8 months ago. I am looking for people who are generally interested in fitness. I am a fitness freak and looking to study nutrition at Uni so any helpful tips or any advise would be amazing.

Last time I used MFP I was suffering from an eating disorder: restricting food and over exercising. 4 years down the line and now I am fully recovered and had a totally different mind set towards my lifestyle. I am by no means here to promote it but if anyone would like to talk to me about their problems of hear my story feel free to message me.

So yeah, would love to get some new friends on here to keep me motivated and hopefully I can do the same for you :)


  • Jrodasff
    Jrodasff Posts: 334 Member
    Wow thats awesome!!!! Pumped for you to be able to make changes for the better and actually save your life from suffering and sickness. You obviously are on the right track as your picture shows. I'm on here for the same reason of loving fitness. Normally I'm a gym fanatic but I signed up for my first Ironman in October so my fitness routine is at a completely different level. More cardio than anything. I like this app because I see people around me motivated and posting workouts so I feel encouraged to do the same. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  • harrietrenkin
    harrietrenkin Posts: 3 Member
    Ohhh that really cool. Are you looking to get really lean or just build a lot of muscle? What kind of cardio are you doing aswell? Really interested in different fitness plan and how they work. Definitely wouldn't do it myself but I'm intrigued
  • Jrodasff
    Jrodasff Posts: 334 Member
    Well I was basically a gym rat lifting weights and never doing any cardio. Yeah I felt I looked great but was in terrible conditioning shape. I was weighing 223 in February and in March is when I decided to commit to the Ironman. Running and riding a bike for me at that weight sucks so I decided to jump on MFP and diet down to 200 which is a lot leaner and more efficient weight for me and my knees. I'm about 6 pounds away from that goal and then I will just maintain from there and try to focus on my race training. I swim 3 days a week early in the morning before work and try to run 3-4 times a week. I still lift at the gym only because I don't want to give that up as I love lifting weights. I'm only lifting about 3-4 days a week as well. It seems like a lot but as I'm sure you know, when you enjoy exercising and you make it a priority, it just seems easier to get it done. The race is in Henderson, Nevada in October, so I have time to get to where I want to be.
  • harrietrenkin
    harrietrenkin Posts: 3 Member
    Wow, sounds like a pretty hardcore routine. It's great to see that you are so close to your goal already! Good to see you have the motivation to do much activity aswell. Do you know how many calorie you consumes while doing this?? And do you eat a lot of protein?? Hope it all goes well with the Ironman
  • amylee280
    amylee280 Posts: 10 Member
    Well done Harriet! I've been fit all my life, half marathons, athletics and boxing etc... so I have a lot of knowledge regarding exercise but last year I got really bad anxiety and gained 2st as I wasn't exercising and the beta blockers just slowed everything down! This is my fifth day on MFP and i'm looking to loose that 2st and get toned again... :-)
  • Jrodasff
    Jrodasff Posts: 334 Member
    I definitely need to up my protein intake. My eating is not really where it needs to be yet for this training. I'm still trying to lean out before I up the calories. This app has been great in that it shows me how many calories I'm burning while I exercise. So what kind of workouts are you into? Do you mainly lift weights? Crossfit? Run?