MFP Do-over

Hello, I'm a 46 year old female, with about 100 lbs to lose. I've been a serial WW joiner and quitter, and have tried MFP a few times in the past. The programs didn't fail me, I failed me. I failed to make the best choices that would help me lose weight and improve my health. I've come to the realization that paying monthly membership fees to WW or even a gym, are not going to help me lose weight. The only thing that will help me, is quite honestly, me! I could use some support, feedback, meal ideas, etc. I hope to make some new friends along my journey to better health. If you have any advice to share, please do! Thank you!


  • Barryclonts
    Better choices
  • onion68
    onion68 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! I'm working on meal at a time!
  • kblanch5
    kblanch5 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't look at the big mountain, just focus on the steps where you are now. Try setting a goal for just this week or even just this day. Sometimes just putting one foot in front of the other is manageable, attainable and at the end of the day you have made progress in the right direction.
    Sometimes we get so focused on the destination, we forget to enjoy the journey. Good luck!
  • onion68
    onion68 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much Kblanch5! Very good advice! After the loss of a close family member earlier this year, I'm trying to make this year the year that I finally learn to live in the present, because it truly is a gift. So thank you for reminding me to just focus on doing my best today!
  • careyw1
    careyw1 Posts: 400 Member
    You can add me if you like. Im 37 I've lost 100 lbs but gained some back so getting back on track!
  • Donna6017
    Donna6017 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome!! I've joined and quit WW so many times I've lost count. I am my own worst enemy. I need to learn to be more consistent with tracking. I need to lose about 80lbs. Feel free to send me a friend request and let's lose this weight!