P90X/C25K hybrid program for fat loss and lean muscle gain

Ok here we go, I just turned 30 years old, 5'8, 187 pounds, male with too much body fat, and weighing about the most as I ever have in my life. I have been doing C25K for three weeks, which is running/walking 3x per week for about 30 minutes each time. I understand that I need to incorporate some strength training into my routine. As much as I enjoy C25K, I feel like I could be doing more to improve my body. I'm using my fitness pal to log my calories and workouts for awhile now but tend to fall off the wagon at times when it comes to calorie intake. Here's an example of my plan and I would love some feedback from you wonderful people.

Monday / C25K and ab ripper
Tuesday / Chest and back
Wednesday / C25K and ab ripper
Thursday / Shoulders, biceps, triceps
Friday / C25K and ab ripper
Saturday / Legs and Back
Sunday / Rest and stretch.

Does this sound like a good idea? My goals are to shred fat, gain lean muscle, and improve my overall fitness along with body composition? I do understand that diet is the most important factor but I also want to do anything I can to boost my fitness progress.

Any advice is welcome so please let me know what you think. It should be noted that I already have the p90x dvds, along with pull up bar and adjustable dumbbells. I have tried the program in the past but found it difficult to stick to although I did really enjoy the strength workouts along with an occasional kenpo and plyo workouts. Let me know what you think along with and advice, criticism, and suggestions! Thanks!


  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Well I don't know as I have yet to start my p90x, monday is my start date. I am already on week 4 going onto week 5 on my c25k which I plan to continue with as well as p90x.

    But my question is if you were unable to do or stick with the p90x bc of difficulty then what makes now any different?
  • taracm01
    taracm01 Posts: 7 Member
    I just started a similar plan as I am training for a half marathon in June. I have been doing lots of cardio for the last year and I need to work on building muscle. I started p90x on Monday. I don't have the food plan just the workouts.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited April 2015
    ygrmstr wrote:
    My goals are to shred fat, gain lean muscle, and improve my overall fitness along with body composition?
    This is the site you need: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/
    For most people, losing fat & gaining muscle cannot be done at the same time.
    In fact, while losing weight most people can only hope to maintain their lean body mass.

    Here's a calculator which might help: http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/body-fat-calculator-navy
    It says that as I've lost over 80 lb of fat, I've gained something like 4 lb of LBM. I think it's measurement error, but
    it's possible that I really have gained a little muscle over the last year+ while eating at a deficit & consistently lifting
    heavier weights. I'm happy to know that I'm at least maintaining the muscle... and getting stronger. :sweat_smile:

    Monday / C25K and ab ripper
    Tuesday / Chest and back
    Wednesday / C25K and ab ripper
    Thursday / Shoulders, biceps, triceps
    Friday / C25K and ab ripper
    Saturday / Legs and Back
    Sunday / Rest and stretch
    Are you working the obliques too, so your whole core will be strong?
    Also, cardio should be 150 min/week, or 5 days of 30 min.

    I do 2 or 3 days per week of weightlifting, tiring my whole body (though most of the leg stress I leave for cardio; I do do
    hip ab/adduction on the machines).
    It's not worth the fiddling to break it up into targeting various body parts & keeping track of which day to do what.
    Every day I lift, I do hips, obliques, abs, back extension, deltoid, bicep, tricep, trapezius, pectoralis. So pretty much
    everything except the gluteus, calves, and front/back thighs, which I think are adequately worked by what I do for cardio.