Any one 5ft or under!?

its so hard to find short friends who are also dieting!
as i know us shorties have such different nutritional needs because of our heights!
tall people getting all them extra calroies. lucky,

Anyway- Short diet friends!?


  • unamanu
    unamanu Posts: 3
    Hallo there! I'm a 153cm woman, and I know what you mean :)
    What's your weight goal?
  • alantz01
    alantz01 Posts: 2
    I'm short but sweet too!
  • jiigglybutt
    jiigglybutt Posts: 345 Member
    I am 5'0 exactly!! :D
  • MaVieEntiere
    MaVieEntiere Posts: 135 Member
    I am just under 5'0!
  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    I'm just under 5'1''. does that count? =D
  • Alimacbean
    Alimacbean Posts: 120 Member
    4'10". Definitely a struggle. Especially when these types of fitness trackers measure a normal person's steps. It takes me 2 steps to everyone else's steps. Don't I get extra credit for that? Gotta lose 25ish pounds.
  • rogersrj
    rogersrj Posts: 1
    I'm 5ft. Mother of 4. No specific weight goal but looking to get to a healthier weight to lower bp. I'm short so the slightest weight gain shows on my frame.
  • JulieAdamsVT
    4'11" here! My boyfriend is 6'3". Watching him eat all those extra calories is hellll! Been on MFP for 28 days and have lost 5 lbs so far. Wishing it was a bit more, but just staying on track, staying motivated, and working my *kitten* off! Wishing you the best of luck and sending positive energy your way. Short girls unite! ;)
  • joeliet_dlv
    joeliet_dlv Posts: 3 Member
    Oh yeah another shorty here :) count me in....we can do this...
  • KayleighIsGoingFatToFit
    Im 5'0" feel free to add me :smile:
  • kayanna2012
    i'm 4"11 :)... yeah pretty hard to be short... coz we're short the calorie requirement is SHORT too...
  • slimstrauss
    slimstrauss Posts: 209 Member
    I'm 5ft and mum of 5.
    Agree with all the other comments, being small makes things 10 times harder.
    You only have to put on a couple of pounds and it shows.
    Always have problems with clothes too as too long and wrinkle round my knees!
  • runningjellybean
    runningjellybean Posts: 9 Member
    I am 4 11.75 I eat 1500-2000 healthy calories per day :) Add me!
  • br88kie
    br88kie Posts: 1
    I'm 4' 9.5" I like to say 4'10". It is hard being short and any weight gain WILL show. I'm a mother to 3 amazing kids. It is hard to keep st my 1500-1600 calories a day. I have failed and failed. So lets try this again!
  • solly76
    solly76 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 5 ft and a new one in here I am curios to know what is all off yours GW for being so short i am not really sure of what is a healty weight for me
  • keepfatoff
    its so hard to find short friends who are also dieting!
    as i know us shorties have such different nutritional needs because of our heights!
    tall people getting all them extra calroies. lucky,

    Anyway- Short diet friends!?

  • keepfatoff
    Iam 4'11 and it is dead hard to lose son lived with me for a few months an I lost 11kgs while he here! He fitness freak an eats well,he cooked great stuff high protein lots meat.i started to put back on so doing 1200 thing now.
    I could do with tips,think I should maybe excerise more,run round the block,lol
  • ah6689
    ah6689 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'1" with 10 pounds to lose. Count me in!
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    I am 4'10" with 50 lbs to lose! I am a mother to 2 kids! Feel free to add me!
  • chrissie_a_1990
    chrissie_a_1990 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 153cm so I'm a shorty too! I'm a married Mum of 2 and have put a lot of weight on since I got married especially when I was pregnant so I have 80lbs to lose! Would love some more friends on here to help encourage me because I tried to do it on here alone just over a year ago and lost 18lbs but then lost my motivation and put about 6lbs of it back on. This time I'm gonna DO THIS!! :smiley: