Looking for friends. I need accountability.

Hi. This is my second time use the app. I've gained weight since the last time I was here. Thanks in advance for your help


  • Grantresto
    Grantresto Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is simone, i am new here. First time using this app.
  • rleonard3767
    rleonard3767 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Renee. I'm on the journey to losing weight too.
  • Aquababy77
    Aquababy77 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi my name is Rachel looking for more support to to help others on their journey to being healthy too.
  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Hi my name is Jen. Feel free to add me as I love having friends to help motivate and support one another in this journey. :-)
  • debconehalsey
    I just joined today and need accountability as well. I will encourage you and ask that you encourage me. I want to strengthen my body and lose 5 lbs by Memorial Day when I go play in the USAV Nationals.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited April 2015
    If you aren't going to be accountable to yourself and your own goals..how are you going to be accountable to a bunch of random people you don't know online and will never see in real life?

    Do you want to lose the weight? Does it drive you crazy to need to lose weight? Do you hate the way you look in pictures, hate the way your clothes fit, hate the fact that you can't walk upstairs without losing your breath (or whatever other weight related issues you may have?)

    Then eliminating those issues should be accountability enough. Nobody can want this more than you. No amount of coaxing or cajoling or inspirational memes from people you don't know is going to inspire you more than the resolve you have within yourself to JUST DO IT.

    This is my 4th or 5th time (at least) trying to lose weight. I went weight watchers, I tried atkins, I tried juicing, I tried denying myself....none of it worked because I was only halfway committed in the first place, and in the second place, I was living in a nutritional vacuum. I grew despondent, depressed, apathetic. At some point earlier this year I finally had my AH HA moment and said I'm sick and tired of looking disgusting, I'm sick and tired of being morbidly obese, I'm sick and tired of being embarrassed because I only JUST made the weight limit for riding a horse (YES, for riding a horse. An animal that pulled covered wagons across the prairie. Talk about an eye opener.) I was sick and tired of being short of breath with the least amount of exhertion, and when yet another person I knew died young due to a heart attack, I knew I had to do something.

    The accountability - it's the clothes in my closet. As I go down a size, I throw the bigger sizes OUT never to come back into this house again (with the exception of keeping a single pair of size 22 pants as a memento.) I have the next size down from what I'm currently wearing waiting for me to fit into them.

    It's the photos. I no longer want to hide behind my kids or my dog in pictures.

    It's because it's WHAT I WANT more than ANYTHING.

    If you're going to do this & be dependent on other people to "support you" you are going to be in for a tough time. You have to want this FOR YOURSELF and you have to REALLY WANT IT.
  • kemi2011
    kemi2011 Posts: 5
    Hey, feel to add I'm on this app again and want to have friends to motivate me as well as motivate others
  • vvsignin
    vvsignin Posts: 1
    My name is Ed. I'm 41 years d and took a lot of weight off with the help of this app a few years ago. I'm starting to put it back on. Need accountability partner!
  • 9mike
    9mike Posts: 839 Member
    feel free to add me I`ve lose weight on here