Smoothie Suggestions

1badmotherrunner Posts: 4 Member
Has anyone made a smoothie with un brewed green tea?
If so, what else did you add that turned out great? And what did you learn to stay away from...because it was gross?


  • I do a lot of the basic banana, strawberry and kiwi smoothies, have you tried chia seeds?? If not Google and read about it
  • Sweepypie
    Sweepypie Posts: 161 Member
    I also use bananas, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries....... Any fruit really!
  • emmatrem
    emmatrem Posts: 4 Member
    I use avocado, it makes it really creamy and keeps you full.
    For fruit, I buy frozen bags of berries and mango, throw them in the blender with some probiotic yoghurt and drink on the way to work. Very cold, and quick to prepare. X
  • TylerNorris57
    TylerNorris57 Posts: 54 Member
    I use: greens, banana, berries and almond milk
  • ktekc
    ktekc Posts: 879 Member
    Fruits, almond milk, protein powder, PB2, honey and greek yogurt, sometimes unsweetened cocoa powder. In different combinations.
  • 1badmotherrunner
    1badmotherrunner Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for the great suggestions, they are all helpful! I am wondering if any of you have used un-brewed green tea in your smoothies? I might try it for an extra boost but did not know if it would make me sick.
  • Tessv
    Tessv Posts: 1 Member
    Rather than unbrewed been tea try MATCHA or brew some and use it