Newbie in need of friends and support

KMM17173 Posts: 17 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
Hi everyone. I'm a newbie. I run three times a week and have 29lb to lose. I had lost 90lb but have gained 34lb of that back. I'm 5ft 4 and currently weigh 13 stone 7lb (189lb). I know where I want to be - 11 stone 6lb (160lb). I just need to stay in control and go get it. I am an emotional eater and I know all the tricks in the book. I have never calorie counted before, only followed the ww points plans. It worked but I need to monitor what I eat in terms of sugar and protein, etc a bit more. I love the weekly meetings and miss it but am unable to continue to go to them.

I am 42 and a working parent but I luckily don't have to prepare any meals - amazing spouse.

I'm just getting to grips with how this works so would be grateful for any pointers re messaging and forums, etc. I need to be able to send out a sos and know I'll get a response off someone who knows what it's like. And be able to offer the same support back. I use my iPhone predominantly.

Looking forward to the next step!


  • puraze
    puraze Posts: 55 Member
    Best of luck! I am in the exact same boat, I know what I need to do, just have to do it! I too so the emotional eating, I'm trying to be more aware of this and to stop.

    I've been inconsistent with MFP over the past few years, but I find it can be very helpful, especially to becoming aware of not just calories but what's in the calories.

    Something I've found helpful recently is that I turned on notifications to remind me about meals and logging in. I didn't used to do that, but it's been keeping me more in check since I started:)
  • Firefighter82633
    Firefighter82633 Posts: 6 Member
    Would love to have more accountability partner's
  • KMM17173
    KMM17173 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for replying. I'm used to tracking my intake as I've always pointed with ww. But I need to be honest about it! And stick to it! Currently unwell so trying to get myself set up on here ready to get back to it when my tonsillitis leaves me!
  • KMM17173
    KMM17173 Posts: 17 Member
    edited April 2015

    sevans863 wrote: »
    Would love to have more accountability partner's

    I need lots! How does it work? Do I add friends? Or just chat in forums?
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    I've done WW and loved it! I couldn't afford cost so the last month I had It, I logged in MFP and WW. Turns out I loved using MFP more and it was Free !
    This is a great tool!!! I'm 45 lbs lost since June, 10 more to go.
    You can add me. I'm just starting to use the forums and posting myself.
  • frameloss
    frameloss Posts: 92 Member
    Add me!!!!! I actually have found mfp to be as good, if not better than ww! Especially as you get down to the last few pounds! I just had knee surgiry so won't be doing anything extrememly active anytime soon, but that means I have to been more diligent with food! Would love to support you!
  • drgoodman
    drgoodman Posts: 2 Member
    I've been using MFP off and on and was very successful with WW. I eat emotionally and when I stopped counting points, logging in MFP, paying attention, etc., I gained it back and then some.. I need to lose 50 lbs and am looking for buddies here. Add me!
  • KMM17173
    KMM17173 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks everyone. Feeling more supported already! I've added people and am looking forward to feeling like I'm not alone on my journey! Now just to shake the tonsillitis and I'll be back to my normal self!
  • chinab89
    chinab89 Posts: 21 Member


    Please add me! I am in need of motivation to lose weight!!! And track what I eat!!! :)

