Looking for friends! 20 lbs to loose :)

Allison4C Posts: 140 Member
edited March 2015 in Introduce Yourself
Hi my name is Allison, and I'm looking for friends on MFP! I've been on it for five days. I have used MFP in the past and had success loosing about 18 lbs several years ago when I was feeling flabby. I am feeling it again, and just had some major motivation -- someone at work asked me if I am "expecting" (I am not). Looking to loose about 20 lbs and get down to 140 lbs or so. Message me/friend me if you want :)


  • kerry18J
    kerry18J Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm Kerry and cannot seem to get my head round this app yet. I'm starting AGAIN and need to lose 28lb. I've been I formed that I need reset my metabolic rate! A nutritionist was very helpful and positive that I could do this and begin to lose the weight. I just can't afford the £pounds he's talking about, so going it alone.
  • I had an old lady say good luck with the pregnancy I though OMGosh anyway I'm on don't know what I'm doing but here I am
  • Ho sorry I need to lose a lot but
    I can
    I will
    I'll do
  • bredaclarke67
    bredaclarke67 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, looking to lose about 12 lbs myself to get to 135 lbs by summer. Nothing like someone suggesting pregnancy to get you motivated!! Good luck :-)
  • KMM17173
    KMM17173 Posts: 17 Member
    Can I join in please? I've been on this app for a few days. Need to lose 29lb. Have been trying to lose it since Christmas but no. No idea how to join a group, make friends - only just managing the diary! My biggest issue is emotional eating. I need someone to remind me why I'm doing this and just give my head a wobble when I fall off the wagon.
  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    I need to lose 50 lbs myself. I am on day 15 and have lost 5 lbs. I cut my Dr. Pepper intake from minimum of 3-4 day to a 1/2 one every 3 or 4 days. I am drinking more water and feeling so much better. I have had the pregnancy suggestion also. I finally decided I am going to do this! I can do this for me and my kids and husband. I would love to be friends with y'all. Good luck Allison you can do it!
  • hey guys!!! this is all very do able we just need to stick to the nutrition plan set for us and count your macros!!! another good site to use for this calculator is IIFYM!!! all about countin macros! I'm starting today! anyone that wants to be friends let me know!!!
  • jetbarber
    jetbarber Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I just joined yesterday...out of jealousy that my little sister is smaller than me for the first time ever! I lost 12 lbs on my own. I need to lose 15 more. I am 52, want to get to 155. Really would enjoy bet in this group as it seems to be the newest.
  • Hi I am Tiffany....been on here for a while but never ventured into the chats. I am looking to lose 20 pounds and already down 10. I have cut out soda and Starbucks! :-)
  • Carrie_McC
    Carrie_McC Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi, I need to lose 20ibs too. Finished chemo about a month ago and put on over a stone during treatment. Want to now lose and that a little more to give myself the best chance of staying in remission. I'm very motivated right now - after months of sitting on sofa and eating crap it's nice to have energy to exercise and even better to be able to taste food. Tend to fall off the wagon though after a few weeks so needs others to remind me why I'm doing this. I'm using a clean eating approach.
  • bboppinbeatsyoass
    bboppinbeatsyoass Posts: 1 Member
    Hello! I have lost 10 pounds in the last month or so by exercise and watching what I eat. However, I would like to lose about 20 more pounds. I have trouble sticking with the app and have no one to help/keep motivated with, so if anyone would like to add me that would be great! Thanks!