Where's my Seattle folks at?!?

Galvin87 Posts: 20 Member
Hi my name is Galvin, I'm 27 years old, 5'7" and weigh in at 192.7 lbs. My goal weight is 185 pounds. Currently dieting and targeting to lose about 1.5 lbs a week. In my younger days I was very skinny and had no body fat whatsoever. When I hit around 24 my metabolism slowed down significantly. I've been working out for 8 years now but never really monitored let alone tracked my calorie intake. Being a Pacific Islander makes it very difficult to eat healthy but I'm determined to shed this weight!
I want to know what your goals are and would like to learn a thing or two about what diet tips that have worked for you.


  • Smirnovskya
    Smirnovskya Posts: 4 Member
    Represent! Good luck buddy and stay at it :)
  • Galvin87
    Galvin87 Posts: 20 Member
    Nice! Good luck to you as well. Stay focused and have a great day!

  • Smirnovskya
    Smirnovskya Posts: 4 Member
    Thank will do! Enjoying this weather b4 it starts raining again :)
  • Galvin87
    Galvin87 Posts: 20 Member
    Oh the joys of Washington weather! :D
    Hope you enjoy your day!!