Going at this another time

October 2011 i began a journey that i had hoped would be permanent. By the time october 2012 rolled around i was down 100 pounds and had only 30 pounds to go to my goal weight of 138. I was so unprepared for the stress that beginning college would be. Within the a year of college i put on 70 pounds. I was ashamed and frustrated and just depressed. I dropped this semesters courses to focus on my health and to get this weight back off. What good is a degree going to do me if I die from being so unhealthy. The first time around I had an amazing nutritionist. She truly cared. Then she got a new job somewhere else and i was left floating in the ocean without a life jacket. Her replacement made me feel like I was drowning. I hate a nutritionist who asks, what do you want to work on till our next appointment. Honestly, if i knew i wouldnt need you. I have so many food allergies and eating is such a chore. Im the only one in my family with food allergies, i am the monster. I have stopped going to holiday gatherings because they have to forgo traditions... Like peanut butter pie, because i could die from anaphalaxis. Speniding holidays alone bites. First time around was quite an eye opener. I really got to see peoples true colors. I lost a lot of friends which fine whatever, I can find new ones right? It was my family that was the worst. Family who have always been thin, who i guess felt great about themselves next to me. But when i was nearing the mark of weighing less than some of them wow. I was told that they would take epicac to make themselves vomit and starve themselves because they refuse to ever be the fat one. Seriously! If we are both thin, is there really a fat one? As i lost weight and my face became thinner, instead of being told wow you look great, i got things like, i dont like that pic of you, your eyes are to big. Seriously?? I have cat eyes, they are no where large, but when the fat cheeks werent pushing them smaller, sure they were bigger. But ugly, gross? So between college and my families psycho mumbo jumbo I was a mess.
So today april 11, 2015 and i am dedicating my life to being healthy. Not starving, or over exercising, but truly enjoying life in a healthy relaxed way. I downloaded the MyFitnessPal app logged my breakfast. I eat a mostly vegan diet. (I do occassionally eat eggs or meat, but trying to cut that out totally, its not that easy when you are the only one in the entire family eating vegan.) Anyways i am excited to fit back into all those skinny clothes i was wearing last time. Never in my life have i been thin. I am not really looking to be skinny, but i do want to be fit and healthy. I need to lose 110 pounds. Sad when i was so close before to be back to needing to lose again. This time though i am not on a diet. Its not something incan do for a while, reach the goal and finally quit the diet. Nope, this is forever, no gimmicks or quick weightloss diets.


  • Xootneg
    Xootneg Posts: 5 Member
    Sure sounds like you are on the exact right track! Diets rarely seem to work, but permanently changing the foods you eat along with how much you eat for the rest of your life worked great for me and it will for you as well.

    I went from 300 to 178 in one year. So I can attest, It works! May your journey be a smooth one and hassle free.
  • caoimhearlise
    caoimhearlise Posts: 18 Member
    Round of applause to you! I think it's great that you have decided to take control of your health! I totally understand how you feel about food allergies. I have so many of them that I stopped counting. I'm currently eliminating certain foods from my diet to not only combat my allergic reactions to foods (i.e. Yeast), but to help reduce flares up that I get from my autoimmune disease. You may feel that your family isn't giving you the support that you need, and that is okay. Unfortunately we can not change what other people think/say, but we can change how we respond to their comments. Remember, this journey is about you, and allowing yourself to become the best you possible. You can do this! You have my support if needed. Be well!
  • jambo27061965
    jambo27061965 Posts: 57 Member
    Ignore everyone and be confident in yourself they all sound pretty horrible good luck with life choices
  • Thank you everyone for the support and encouragment. It truly means the world to me.