Trying to lose "relationship weight" :)

hi everyone! New UK member here and I'm really hoping this app and community will help me shift the 3 stone weight gain I've managed to acquire since starting my relationship with my boyfriend 4 years ago (usual story: used to be very slim, got content and comfortable, ate "man-sized" meals, packed the weight on... :| )
I realise I've got a long way to go and I need to completely change my eating habits, but I'm determined to get there. Looking forward to reading everyone's success stories to help motivate me! X


  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    Hi! This story rings so true to myself .. You just get so content , right ? Let's kick the flab! Good luck on your journey :-)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Good luck. I love to eat with my boyfriend. Sometimes we go all out, and sometimes I tell him "not now...I have a goal this week". He loves that I can lose weight but still eat a piece of chocolate cake the size of my face with him or a nice burger and fries. But lately, I have had to draw the line a few times and he has been supportive.