Bridal Boot Camp Companions

Hello everyone,
I am new to MFP and am looking forward to sharing success with everyone. I have a wedding date set for next year and have a goal of losing 25lbs and keeping it off for the big day. Are there any brides to be out there who would like to keep one another accountable and motivated? Are you not a bride to be, but wish you had your nuptial body? Well, let's do it together.

Another goal of mine is to wake up early and get moving! Anyone who is having success with this, please be my friend, as I do love my bed...

Looking forward to meeting you!


  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I'm not a bride-to-be, but I will be in my friend's wedding next fall. I'd love to work with you. I have about 28 more pounds to lose and will, most likely, need help keeping them off. I also would like to start getting up earlier. What kind of fitness routine are you hoping to do? I've switched things up a few times and would be more than willing to share what's worked.
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I am getting married next April and I’ve been on my healthy lifestyle journey since January :) I have much more left to lose than you…but I’m on the right track :) Good luck on reaching your goals….we can do this :)
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Hello there! My wedding date is November 19, 2011 and I'd love to lose another 25 pounds in the next few months. I've put off buying a wedding dress (but I was planning on buying something for sale off the rack anyway, so no rush for alterations and such) until I get to my goal, but I can't do that forever!

    Also, I'm right there with you on wanting to get up early and workout. I used to do it every day and I always felt so much better once it was done. I am currently living with my fiance and his parents while we look for a house to buy. It makes scheduling workouts and meals difficult, so I need all the accountability I can get!
  • KB81
    KB81 Posts: 7
    Hi! I'm getting married 6/25/11, yes, less than 6 weeks from today! From December through last week I was going to a 6am Boot Camp 3-4 times/week. The class was great for me, but focused a lot on weight training, and now I would like more cardio to slim down. Since then, I've been waking up to do a Power 90 DVD, yoga and running outside. I find I feel much better the whole day if I get up and moving! Plus, I can eat a few extra calories:smile:

    I'm new to MFP and would love to be in a group that is motivating. Hit me up.

  • MisstoMrs2012
    Oooh, yes me!!! Am getting married June 2012 and would love to join you, am wanting to loose weight and tone up, hoping by starting this year i will get into it and be fit and healthy and use to the exercise for my wedding!

    I'll send you a friend request now :happy: oh, but am in the UK, if thats ok?!
  • Tifiney_Rey
    Tifiney_Rey Posts: 9 Member
    I feel like I've had a pot of coffee after I do a morning workout. It's AMAZING!!! I have a love hate relationship with working out in the morning. I hate to leave my bed and Love AFTER i'm done working out!!
  • sarah_boombah
    sarah_boombah Posts: 124 Member
    I'm in! No ring on my finger yet but am hoping for one soon haha! if so, wedding next year! xx
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Worked out this evening. I'm doing a Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme Hybrid and slacked off Thurs-Sun as I was out of town. Got back on it this evening and I WILL be in bed by 9 so I have no excuse for not getting up and working out at 5!

    Hope to hear from more of you; I could really use a thread like this - a small group with a common goal :)

  • bullriderswife08
    bullriderswife08 Posts: 207 Member
    My husband and I married in 2008 and since then I have gained 1 child and 40lbs!!! I wasn't happy with my health then and I sure am not happy with it now. As of late, all of my girlfriends are engaged and have summer weddings coming up! I am a bridesmaid for one of my girls, and the dress she has chosen for her line is so short and so revealing! I need to get my *kitten* moving! I am totally in. And congratulations to you and your engagement! The best of luck to you and your husband to be!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Hey There!!

    I woke up at 5 this morning to do a swim! I really need to get better at working out in the AM because I truly love how I feel. It only happens about 1 or 2 times a week tho hehe.

    I am planning a September 2012 wedding and I want to lose 15 pounds or so. I am so in for this group!
  • oukii
    oukii Posts: 8
    Yes, How do we create our own thread on this?? I am so excited by all of your willpower! We can do it. I am planning an April 2012 wedding so we are all in good shape lol to get the dialogue going.
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    When you go into the community, you can click on 'My Topics' and you'll see this thread. As far as creating a thread goes - this is it!

    I went to bed at 8 last night for a couple of reasons. I was exhausted - but also wanted to be able to get up and workout at 5. Did I? Nope. But I'm SUPER rested today and will have no excuse not to workout this afternoon! Maybe tomorrow morning I'll be able to get up.

    A bit about me: I live in Texas and teach high school :) Have a great day!
  • oukii
    oukii Posts: 8
    Great! I am glad we can all come here for motivation and support! I look forward to sharing our successes. I got up this morning and made it to the gym by 7:45am. I bit later than I would have liked, but it worked non the less. I feel fantastic! I must remember how much better I feel when my body gets moving. My I inspire you to get out and move today!
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    I got up at 7 (usually between 7:45 and 8:10) and went running. It was so nice to get back from working out and have time to get ready, eat breakfast and **** around on the computer before I had to leave for work. I'm so glad I'm doing this!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Woke up at 5:15 again for a 45 minute spin class.

    My name is Aly and I am training for my 3rd triathlon, this one is a half ironman in the end of July. This is the fight to lose weight and push my body to complete an intense event!
  • aross999
    aross999 Posts: 59 Member
    Glad to see we are all motivated and moving! Again - I went to bed super early and did not workout...but, I did it yesterday after work and plan to do the same today. Happy Thursday - it's almost the weekend!

  • shooozy
    shooozy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there! I'm getting married August 20th of this year and have been doing MFP for about 5 weeks now. I've already lost 8 lbs and gained a ton of muscle. I do a boot camp 3-4 days a week and also run on my off days. My first dress fitting is June 16th and I hope to lose another 8 lbs by then.