this plateau thing...

ok so i was 281 and i loss about 20 or so pounds and now im at 260-259 i been doing my same works for about a month now and now im not losing a thing idk if its this plateau thing or what but my goal weight is way less then this any ideas should i improve my workout i do about a mile every morning play basketball for awhile and do anothere 15 min workout idk if my body can do anymore then that. appreciate the feed back thank you


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Have you recalculated your calorie goal on MFP since dropping weight?
  • dgains5041
    dgains5041 Posts: 14 Member
    ive just got back into using this it been a minute but i have been tracking it and i know i eat 1200- 1800 a day
  • Lizadizzle
    Lizadizzle Posts: 35 Member
    dgains5041 wrote: »
    ive just got back into using this it been a minute but i have been tracking it and i know i eat 1200- 1800 a day

    Your profile says you haven't lost any weight. What she was asking is if you've tracked your weight loss through MFP. As you track the weight lost, MFP will adjust your calories. When I went from 280 to 260, it slowly dropped me down from about 1550 calories a day to around 1400. So if you haven't tracked your weight, or adjusted it at least once since you've lost it, you need to do that. You'll plateau if you're eating too many calories for your *current* weight, instead of your old weight.

    I hope that made sense :/

  • dgains5041
    dgains5041 Posts: 14 Member
    ah ok i see ill change that damn it gonna suck eating that much less but i need to lose thanks both of you.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    dgains5041 wrote: »
    ive just got back into using this it been a minute but i have been tracking it and i know i eat 1200- 1800 a day

    You're a male, why are you ever eating 1200?
  • dgains5041
    dgains5041 Posts: 14 Member
    idk dint think it matterd i did what work and thats what worked so..yeah
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,946 Member
    edited April 2015
    OP, to me it sounds like: was almost written specifically for you!

    That post and the posts it links to answer ALL your questions.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I would almost bet that you're eating at maintenance and your calorie counting is guesswork

    How are you counting calories?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,227 Member
    dgains5041 wrote: »
    ok so i was 281 and i loss about 20 or so pounds and now im at 260-259 i been doing my same works for about a month now and now im not losing a thing idk if its this plateau thing or what but my goal weight is way less then this any ideas should i improve my workout i do about a mile every morning play basketball for awhile and do anothere 15 min workout idk if my body can do anymore then that. appreciate the feed back thank you

    Unless you're injured in some way, your body can do a whole lot more than that. Build up to it gradually. Tomorrow, walk just a bit more than a mile ...

    Also, you say you eat between 1200 and 1800 calories. That's quite a range.

    What have you entered as your goal weight loss?
    What does MFP tell you are your maximum daily calories?
    Are you logging everything you eat meticulously and accurately?

  • Lizadizzle
    Lizadizzle Posts: 35 Member
    dgains5041 wrote: »
    ah ok i see ill change that damn it gonna suck eating that much less but i need to lose thanks both of you.

    Yeah man, it sucked hard core. I had a specific menu that I ate almost every day for breakfast, lunch and two snacks but after I altered my weight I had to ditch / change the snacks. Ugh... such a pain. But totes worth it. Good luck! :)
  • rocknroll667
    rocknroll667 Posts: 56 Member
    Incorporate interval training. But like everyone else is saying, get your calories right first.