Am I losing weight too rapidly?

..and if so, what are some tips for eating more without increasing my starchy carbohydrates?

I have recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, so I've had to change my diet, and as per my doctors instructions I have mostly cut out starchy foods. Initially this made me hungry (for the first time in years), so it was pretty easy to get my calories up to MFPs calorie goal (based on me wanting to lose at a rate of 1 lb per week). The trouble is my appetite has now returned to its usual state of non-existance, and I'm really having to force myself to eat. Even snacking is a chore, and I am having to work really hard to get my daily intake over 1000 kcal. Most of my snacking is on fruits (which I'm not entirely sure how wise that is as a diabetic because of the sugar content, but this is also my main source of fibre), and I've started (as of yesterday) trying to eat nuts to boost my protein and fat intake, even though I really hate them.

This last week I have lost roughly a pound per day, which feels rather alarming. Is this another period of adjustment? (even though what I'm eating hasn't varied that much over the last month.. it is just less because of my lack of appetite).

Is it actually anything to be worried about given what I'm eating would probably be fine if I was a healthy weight?

What can I do to help make eating less difficult? Even though (apart from the nuts) I am eating foods that I actually like best, I am having to force myself to eat every morsel.


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Height and weight?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    eat calorie dense foods - if you're doing low carb boost your protein and fat intake - olive oil, cream, cheese, meats, full-fat yogurt.. add condiments and dressings like mayonnaise, nuts, avocadoes
  • MrsElvieLove
    MrsElvieLove Posts: 11 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Height and weight?

    5'6 and 230lbs
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    edited April 2015
    I am confused (which seems to be a semi-permanent state!)

    I checked a few days in your diary. Not 100% sure that you are logging accurately, but since you are losing more rapidly than expected I guess it is not an issue : - )

    However, on each and every day I saw, you were at between 500 and 1000cal below your target. A target which already includes an up to 2lb a week weight loss, i.e. a deficit of 1000 calories a day.

    I don't have the medical knowledge to say anything about diabetes or medications or problems associated with all that.

    But your diary shows that you are under-eating. If your weight loss consistently exceeds 1% it is much more likely that you will lose muscles in addition to fat.

    You can always eat more calorie dense foods to make up for the lesser amount of carbohydrates you're eating. You've mentioned nuts, but you can also cook with more oil or butter, or add mayo, or dressing or peanut butter into your food arsenal! Re: protein: I didn't see a single egg for breakfast!
  • MrsElvieLove
    MrsElvieLove Posts: 11 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    eat calorie dense foods - if you're doing low carb boost your protein and fat intake - olive oil, cream, cheese, meats, full-fat yogurt.. add condiments and dressings like mayonnaise, nuts, avocadoes

    I hadn't thought of olive oil, and don't much like dressings on salads so didn't think of that. It is definitely something I could try. Great suggestion, thanks!

    Unfortunately cream and cheese don't like me very much, but I am eating meat or fish two meals a day, and usually have a full fat yoghurt or two. Having more meat sounds like it would be a good choice for me, but it falls down a bit with my appetite because it is so filling.
    I may have to give some thought into how I could start having it as a snack without going down the processed food route!

    Thanks for your suggestions :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    If you're a newly diagnosed diabetic you might be able to ask for and get some nutritional support?
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    I too am a type 2 diabetic...started at 5'11" and 274. In mid November of 2014. I removed all "white" from my foods due to my medical condition and restricted calories at first to about 1600. Lost weight very quickly. Also dropped my a1c just as fast. I am 227 today. Losing it allot slower now as expected. When I was losing weight fast I questioned my doctor...she said, and this I will never forget..."you were pretty fat mike". "your doing just fine" " had you gone from 225 to 185 real quick I may have concerns, but 275 to 230, you're good". FYI, never felt better and am trying to get another 20 of luck!
  • thin1dayplease
    thin1dayplease Posts: 291 Member
    If you are just starting out then it is normal to lose weight quite rapidly at first. Also, the more over weight you are the quicker it will fall - although I am not sure why. I wouldn't worry, it will slow down more and more as you get closer to your target weight.
  • MrsElvieLove
    MrsElvieLove Posts: 11 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    I am confused (which seems to be a semi-permanent state!)

    I checked a few days in your diary. Not 100% sure that you are logging accurately, but since you are losing more rapidly than expected I guess it is not an issue : - )

    However, on each and every day I saw, you were at between 500 and 1000cal below your target. A target which already includes an up to 2lb a week weight loss, i.e. a deficit of 1000 calories a day.

    I don't have the medical knowledge to say anything about diabetes or medications or problems associated with all that.

    But your diary shows that you are under-eating. If your weight loss consistently exceeds 1% it is much more likely that you will lose muscles in addition to fat.

    You can always eat more calorie dense foods to make up for the lesser amount of carbohydrates you're eating. You've mentioned nuts, but you can also cook with more oil or butter, or add mayo, or dressing or peanut butter into your food arsenal! Re: protein: I didn't see a single egg for breakfast!

    Thanks for your response!

    RE: my logging: Everything I have is weighed, although sometimes it's an estimated fraction of the whole amount I eat over a number of days (plus I have a tendancy to round up eg if I have 6 manadarins that weigh 590g i will count it as 600 and count each one as 100g). As I am not sharing my food with anyone, the total amount over a week will be more accurate than the total per day.

    RE: Eggs - such a good point! I'm actually allergic to hen eggs, so i stopped eatting them many years ago and tend to forget they exist! However, I can eat duck eggs - so that is definitely something I can start eating! Woo!
  • MrsElvieLove
    MrsElvieLove Posts: 11 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    If you're a newly diagnosed diabetic you might be able to ask for and get some nutritional support?

    Thanks, I think that is a good idea
  • MrsElvieLove
    MrsElvieLove Posts: 11 Member
    I too am a type 2 diabetic...started at 5'11" and 274. In mid November of 2014. I removed all "white" from my foods due to my medical condition and restricted calories at first to about 1600. Lost weight very quickly. Also dropped my a1c just as fast. I am 227 today. Losing it allot slower now as expected. When I was losing weight fast I questioned my doctor...she said, and this I will never forget..."you were pretty fat mike". "your doing just fine" " had you gone from 225 to 185 real quick I may have concerns, but 275 to 230, you're good". FYI, never felt better and am trying to get another 20 of luck!

    Wow - that is so reassuring to hear! Thank you for sharing, and well done you!
  • MrsElvieLove
    MrsElvieLove Posts: 11 Member
    If you are just starting out then it is normal to lose weight quite rapidly at first. Also, the more over weight you are the quicker it will fall - although I am not sure why. I wouldn't worry, it will slow down more and more as you get closer to your target weight.

    Thanks, that's good to hear. I think I do need to make some adjustments, but I may well be worrying too much at this point.