Hello everyone

My name is Adeline. I'm 18 years old and am currently 167 pounds. I'm 5'5, and would really like to get to 150 pounds. I've been eating well and exercising since last Friday. My starting weight was 171. On my scale at home it says 165 pounds, but at the doctors it said 168 pounds? Reasoning for this?


  • NinaStarkJohnson
    Hi Adeline. I have the same problem at home. My scale says one thing and the doctors says another. He explained that theirs is quite accurate and the ones you buy for in home use aren't as accurate. It stinks that it can't be the other way around. :)
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Welcome, I love your name. Sometimes scales are like that. Do you weigh yourself on a carpet or hardwood floor at home?