Am I doing the right thing???

mischamilo Posts: 6
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I am 23, 12st 8 lbs I think, you see I weight myself in the morning and I weight less than at night when I can weigh more? by 2 lbs? how is that possible? I have been doing really well and am trying to do better, but the stress of trying to find somewhere to live within two weeks when I have to leave the holiday home after moving country! I am so depressed and unhappy and cry when I look in the mirror!
I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't have much really, I ONLY drink water, I like my chocolate and don't want to give it up, I dont eat big bars or multipacks or anything like that I have little of it, I like these things called chocolate coated rice cakes, they are very low in calories and fat, sugar etc! and it curbsmy VERY sweet tooth, I do have a terrible craving for chocolate all the time.
Breakfast I have either Weetabix, Cheerios or Golden Syrup Oatmeal Porridge. Snack are those coated rice cakes or cheesestrings. I know I know but my family dont have money to buy expensive things and I don't want to sacrifice everything in life to eat! you know? I dont have salt on my dinner or anything like that, nothing is fried, or in oil, I dont eat much red meat at all, so what more can I do? I am walking my dogs more now, 3 - 4 times a day for around 10 - 15 minutes, so I feel like I have lost weight but I still hate myself and am trying to be so so so good and things are stressful and my periods are a little messed up but are starting to sort themselves after a year OFF the pill, I was told a month ago that I had PCOS, which I think is going away now! so.....can you help me on how to lose more weight and sooner? what must I do, I never stick to doing those weight training stuff or all those crunches, lunges etc! just something simple like walking, or things simple like walking that do some good work to me????

HELP???? lol!


  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    You are best to weight yourself once a day and leave it at that. You are only confusing yourself by jumping on the scales more than once a day. Most people will find that they weigh more at certain times of the day. Just weigh once and leave it at that. I weigh more in the evening than at the beginning of the day, but am not worried as it is the morning weigh that I use as my reference point. Keep up your good work....:-}
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I can weigh more to the tune of several pounds at night than in the morning, that's normal. Don't weigh yourself at night or at the very least weigh yourself the same time everyday so the circumstances leading up to the weighing are the same. Morning before eating is best. As for the rest, maybe you are eating more chocolate than you realize, and I'd also really consider giving the more intense exercise a chance again, that really is key. Walking the dogs is great and everything for maintenance and overall health, but it's not weight loss level exercise.
  • claude74
    claude74 Posts: 2
    Hi hun...i am at the beginning of my weight loss journey too and its seems like a massive task at the moment and like you i feel desperate to get the weight off and do it quickly too. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate at the moment and you need to give yourself a break!!! My advice is take it one day at a time try to stick to your calories and do some physical exercise and the weight will come off slowly but surely.A pound per week doesn't sound alot but it soon mounts up to stones thats 2 stone in just over 6 months!!! Keep going and try to remember the good things about yourself i'm sure there are tons i may even try to take my own advice lol!!!..... good luck and chin up love Claudette xxxxx
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