4th weight loss attempt

Basically, I've been overweight my whole life. Bad eating habits since before I knew how to spell the word "overweight." Yeah, I suck, I know. Really want to get back on the horse, lose weight and keep it off this time.

I've read practically every book under the sun, know how to lose weight, and just become unmotivated. Too lazy. Need more supportive people in my life.

That's why I'm here! :) hope to meet some inspiring people that can keep me going. Thanks for reading!


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Saw your post title and tried to recall how many times I've lost weight....not to discourage you but I believe the hardest part about all this is keeping it off! That being said after your first couple of times, you know how, it seems to be the motivation that is the problem! If we could only bottle it and sell it right?

    Welcome back, you know what to do, now get to it!

    On this attempt, I've now lost 22 lbs since January which is a good pace for me. Looking forward to following your success!
  • StacyMarieMorgan82
    StacyMarieMorgan82 Posts: 11 Member
    I know exactly how you feel.I know exactly what I need to do to lose weight but have yet to put it back into action. I lost quite a bit of weight a few years back and have gained it all back. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • lorhen
    lorhen Posts: 11 Member
    I totally know where you are coming from - 5 years ago at the age of 44 I had tried every diet going and was the heaviest I had ever been having put more weight on from each attempt (I now know why that happens as Ive studied nutrition). I was made redundant 3 years ago and with time on my hands decided to go to the gym and make proper food instead of the convenience junk that we were eating before. I also was searching for some natural alternatives so I could get off the meds that the docs give me for my fibromyalgia and came across a range of products that I now use on a daily basis and have helped me go down from a UK size 24 to a 16. Ive stayed the same now for 3 years but need a bit of motivation to get the last 2 stone off but find it harder to get going with this illness - lets do this together :)
  • Wentra12
    Wentra12 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for not giving up. Not on your health,not on you, not on what you want from life!
  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    Feel free to send me a friend request! I love to motivate people and also need motivation to stick with it myself. MFP absolutely works if you log every bite you eat and stay at or under your allotted calories. I have tried several times to lose weight and keep it off and MFP has by far been the most effective for me. I've never really been overweight but I have always gained and lost the same 10-15 lbs since I graduated high school. I have also had two children and MFP helped me get back to pre-pregnancy weight both times. MFP holds me accountable and it has also opened my eyes to all the junk I was eating. It's amazing how you will think twice before eating junk food when you have to log it and can see how many calories you are actually eating. MFP helpes me make better decisions because I know I only have so many calories to eat in a day and I want to make the most of them!

    Good luck!! You are using the right tool and have come to a great place for support and motivation!
  • essexlamb
    essexlamb Posts: 18 Member
    Hey, well done for starting, we can do this!
  • alyci
    alyci Posts: 50 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think this will be my third or fourth try to lose weight over the last three years. Each time I last a few months before falling off and gaining it all back plus some. This time I'm going to be strict with myself instead of 'oh it is okay to have an extra serving today'. I have been on and off MFP a lot but this time I'm hoping to build relationships with people who have similar goals. Who will message me if I disappear for a day or two. And who I can call out if they haven't logged for the day.

    So I would love a friend request.
  • Ericguy88
    Ericguy88 Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the support everyone :) this time around I'm sincerely going to try logging everything I eat, instead of just holding it all in my head and jumping on here every now and then to look up calories, haha.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I would start by being kind to yourself -- you don't suck, and there is no moral or value judgement to be made from your weight. You're just a person who needs to learn basic eating habits and balance. (That's the boat I was in. :D)

    Making a conscious effort to speak to/about myself with respect and dignity made all the difference in sticking with weight loss over the past few years.
  • Lisa_0527
    Lisa_0527 Posts: 90 Member
    oh my....I can't even begin to count how many times I have started over within the last 3 years. This is the first time I am starting over with MFP on my team and I have to say it is so much better this time and I am so motivated to keep going. 3 years on my own and I lost 25 pounds; 41 days with MFP and I have lost 10 pounds. It definitely works if you are honest with your logging. You can do it!!!

    You are welcome to add me for support/motivation.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Learn from what went wrong before, its pretty straightforward., keep it simple and create a calorific deficit through moderating consumption and exercise. Consistency, commitment and patience.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    I've been trying for a long time too! Good luck, we can do it.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    Welcome... My basic philosophy is this...it is NOT about losing weight...IT is about finding yourself and discovering what you like and love about yourself. ONCE you begin to value who you are you will achieve your goals... you will make the lifestyle changes required to get to a healthy and happy weight.. you will stop seeing food as reward or punishment.. it will simply become the fuel that your body requires to accomplish your goals... whether those goals are physical or emotional... Step one... balance the diet... pay attention to your macros... as soon as your body begins to recognize it is getting the proper nutrients it needs to thrive... you'll find binging and cravings begin to fade...THEN you can begin thinking portion control ... welcome... and best of luck...
  • I understand what you're going through. I've lost weight and stopped working out and gained some back and just became really lazy and unmotivated to do anything. I read blogs and books to find easier ways to drop the weight but what it comes down to is I'm lazy haha. This time around, someone lit a fire under my butt and now it's on. Stick to it. Feel free to add me, we both could use as much support as possible :). I'm looking forward to this new life journey. Just remember slow progress is better than no progress. It's your time :)
  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    I don't know how inspiring I could be, but I can be supportive. I'd like to try and build a few relationships on here so I will have more than one reason to log on everyday other than to log my food.
  • HydroCoco
    HydroCoco Posts: 5 Member
    Hi and welcome! Make the 4th try work...you can do it. Losing weight is hard.....being fat is hard.....pick your "hard". One of the many motivational quotes I love. I'm a bit of a quote junkie, but seriously, you can do this, you just have to make up your mind :smile:
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Just do it!