I need to lose weight as soon as I can please advise???

mischamilo Posts: 6
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I am new here and not sure how to start this but I am trying to lose weight desperately and get deeply disheartened when I don't see results fairly soon. I am 12st 8 lbs which I think is 78kg or 178 lbs? not too sure around that! I am 165.1cms 5'5" and I am so unhappy that I usually cry over it when I look in the mirror or weight myself. I know this may seem silly or childish but I have suffered with pretty bad depression and that has effected me forever now, I had it last year and been trying to get better, I also stopped taking the pill last year as well so my emotions are quite a little over the top too. Oh! and not to mention I have just moved country to back home and am currently looking for a house, only staying in temporary arrangements so everything is hectic and chaotic lol!
Now, I really want to hear success stories or people who have lost some weight in a short amount of time to show me I can do this, I have given up so much to not put weight on, I know I need to do more exercise I lack the energy to do that most times, I don't drink Alcohol, tea or coffee or fizzy drinks. I don't have salt on my food, I do have butter in my potatoes lol! not much, I also don't eat much bread and will opt for Brown or wholemeal all the time. I usually have some sort of cereal for my Breakfast like a type of cheerios, or Weetabix or golden syrup oatmeal porridge.
Lunch I like to have now a pack of snack a jack cheese & chives.
Dinner can very from day to day but usually mash potato lots of veg and some sort of meat.
My exercise is only walking my dogs, usually 2-3 times a day from 10-15 minutes, I know I need to do more and I ate a bit of chocolate yesterday and felt so upset and guilty and I don't want to live my life feeling guilty for everything I still want to have some lifestyle but I want to lose a good bit of weight soon as this is making me more unhappy than I have ever been in my entire life! please can you advise me wonderful people? I would love to hear all your tips, inspirational weight loss stories and what I can do to improve my mood?
thank you x


  • pittielover23
    pittielover23 Posts: 268
    There is no magic way to do this, it is just hard work and determination. Count your calories, but never go under 1200 NET for the day. It is hard to start exercising, but I swear to you, once you do you will actually have MORE energy. As someone that has suffered from anxiety and depression, nothing has helped me more than working out. Start slow, 20-30 min a day.

    You can totally do this! 1-2lbs a week is as much as you want to take off at a time, but it goes faster than you would think!
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Please take the time to read through the newbie & frequently referenced posts at the top. They provide a WEALTH of important info. Some of it may not be what you want to hear (a super quick effective fix), but it'll get you started in the right direction. The depression should let up once you accept that you're DOING something about your situation.

    Best newbie tips:
    Never go below your BMR when it comes to net calories (in the tools section) and strength training; even if all you have is your own body weight... push-ups, squats, etc.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    Your food choices seem to be fine. Start logging calories here and be brutally honest. You may be eating too many calories for your metabolism. Even eating too much of the good stuff can cause wt gain. Also try to increase walking time if possible, maybe without the dogs. I mostly walk 45 minutes at 3-3.5 mph (not sure kph) and have lost 30 pounds since March 21. Good luck to you and hope to see some good results on your journey.
  • ddwin
    ddwin Posts: 78
    Keep in mind... the weight probably didn't come on quickly. You can't expect it to come off quickly, nor do you want it do. Not if you want to Keep it off. I was a manic depressive/bi polar. Something that helped me out tremendously was getting outside, in the sun. The natural vitamin D you will get (15 minutes a day, without sunblock) will help your mood Immensely! It doesn't sound like you've got a very well rounded diet. Almost that you're not eating enough and then possibly binging on junk, which then leads to guilt.

    Start out with baby steps. Get 1200 Healthy calories in a day. Be it 3 meals and 2 snacks, 6 smaller 'meals' or however you need to do it. Get consistent. Go for longer walks. Take the stairs. Get outside in the sunlight. Drink Lots of Water!
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    You are already getting great exercise walking the dogs three times a day, just go with that. walk them a little faster, or a little farther, or walk them a fourth time each day and keep adding a little to it. Don't deny yourself that chocolate ever once in a while if you really want it have a bit! Your diet should never be so boring and depressing that you hate it. You wont stick to it then. There are tons of recipes on here and other websites that are easy, quick and good for you. It takes a little research, but you will find foods that you love, and many that are chocolate!
    I just try to do a little extra each day. This week I am walking up 5 flights(30 stairs a flight!) of stairs everyday, next week it will be something different, cause I get bored real easy.
    Good luck, add lots of friends on here, you will be amazed at the information and encouragement you get from them.
    Add me:)
  • You may also want to go to your physician for a general physical. If you are exercising and watching what you eat there could be an underlying issue that is making it more difficult for you to lose weight. Just a thought. Good luck! You really can do it, you just have to wake up each day and tell yourself that you are worth the extra effort!
  • I sneak in a little circuit before bed and that helps. Crunches, pushups, squats, lunges, etc....it's an easy way to get in more exercise without paying money or leaving the house. It has also really helped me to make fruit/veg the absolute center of the meal, and other things like meat the "accessories". I have cut out potatoes (not sweet potatoes though- yum!), bread, corn, cereal, anything with refined sugar if possible.

    It's not easy. It takes hard work and often some sacrifices, but I can tell you that I have struggled with depression my whole life and each pound I lose makes me feel ten times better. Exercise has really helped with my depression too- the fact that I have worked hard and can do more than I did before has boosted my confidence hugely.

    Hang in there, try to be patient. This doesn't happen overnight!
  • And don't feel guilty, just do more! Instead of feeling guilty when I eat too much chocolate, I just exercise more and drink more water to work it off. Remember that you can be PROACTIVE. You are in control of your own body!
  • bagaz
    bagaz Posts: 1
    Keep a food journal and weigh yourself regularly, keeping track of each pound you lose and inch of your waist lost. By keeping track of your weight loss efforts, you’ll see the results in black and white, which will help you stay motivated.
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